Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

This will have to be short as I leave to get on the T pretty soon. We are heading into Boston to meet Don and Audrey from Ellington!! We get to play and then have dinner where he said he wants to plan.....HIS BAPTISM DATE!!!!!!!!!!
Traveling with the PVC, we have the power to travel wherever we'd like...we'll try to plan accordingly :)
Next week I will have pictures and videos to send ya'll so you know what im really doing. I would show you the mock ups, but i know they wont do it ill wait.
So many miracles continue to happen of course. Remember last week when I said thank goodness missionaries have a required bedtime?.....I found out this week that that rule actually doesnt apply to us. Not sure if thats what I wanted to hear because my hours of sleep diminish by the day. The Lord definitely sustains us though. Im not sure i've ever run so well on this kind of schedule. We were invited to the mission presidency meeting this week - what a special, treasured, and spiritual experience that words cant measure...also an experience that keeps you out until 1 in the morning. President Packard is spreading the news of the Visitors' center like wildfire.....thanks to him the calendar is booked. Our first event is this weekend. We will just have 2 displays done. by the following week we will have 4. By the end of the transfer we should have it all done!
We also get a truck soon :) Rollin in style.
MY FAVORITE BOOKING SO FAR: Stake Conference with ELDER HOLLAND. Uhhh sir, we just might be able to put you on the calendar. p.s. wasn't his talk phenomenal? Holland for the win.
I am sorry this is such a lame letter - i can't put into words what is going on over here. It doesnt help that my hands type faster than I think and i'm running on a few hours of sleep. LOVE YOU ALL!
Sky is blue and the church is true!
Sister Bell

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