Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 21, 2014

Happy Boston Marathon Day!!

There was such a strong spirit in Boston today. The weather was PERFECT. As a zone, we went to the temple this morning and then into downtown to go watch at the finish line. Security was crazy. Im redetermined to one day run in the Boston Marathon. Tamara, Jared, Linds..you in? :) 

This week was Sister Wagner's Birthday and members she knows took us out to lunch and dinner. We go to Cheescake factory for lunch - yummay and then for dinner with another member we pull up to cheescake factory and the member said, "i hope cheesecake factory is ok!" Sister Wagner and I just looked at each other....trying so hard not to laugh. Tried like 3 kinds of cheesecakes in one day. Probably why im getting so chubby. Thanks to Sister Wagner for being born. 

It was also a very stressful day considering the next day, President and Sister Packard went to a mission presidency seminary with a couple apostles in attendance. President asked us to put together a hard drive to give to them. We had to film a lame 5 minute WAY embarrassing instructional video of what the displays include and how easy it is to put together for them to watch. President Packard said they were really impressed and want to look at the app. We are excited to talk to him about the details. We have been working with the programmer on brainstorming all these amazing outlets and directions the project could go in and it's getting in the gray area of scary. It's kind of frustrating. We have an amazing programmer that thinks long term and has a vision for the actual app that the church can take on, which is good but at the same time it is scary spending a TON of time and a TON of money for something the church is going to look at and say "hmmm..love that idea..we'll have our people whip up an upgrade version to that". 

We are printing the last display of phase 1 - the Restoration. The most difficult board to work with. The adversary has always fought against the Restoration and he still is. It's starting not to be funny anymore. The board is so close to being great...but it's not quite there. Our blessed graphic designer has had to deal with our scattered brain and switching ideas back and forth. Between the stories we hear from her, us, the programmer, and President Packard....we could create a 500 page novel on the literal miracles and witness of God's hand in this work. 
This weekend the displays went to Providence, RI and Merrimack, NH. Told ya i was goin everywhere! One of the programmers and the graphic designer lives in Merrimack and was able to see the displays in person for the first time. We then went over to the programmer's house for dinner. The Parkers - the most amazing family. They have 12 kids and are superheros. Surprisingly I think their Easter dinner was more calm than the when the psycho Bell family gets together. It was great to be in a member's home. It's been a while since I got that opportunity - it felt so good. It was nice to sit back and just watch all the tender moments that go unnoticed because we are so busy checking kitchen timers and putting ice in water cups. We had an amazing family devotional where we bore testimony of the Savior. Listened to the cd Lamb of God all day - so great - and I'm in 3rd Nephi where the savior is administering the sacrament. This easter season I think one of the things that has stuck out to me the most about the savior is his obedience. It says repeatedly in the scriptures that he is just following the commands of his Father. We are sometimes asked to do things that we don't understand all that well, or that is hard, or that seems to be at the bottom of the priority list. I hope we can be better at following the example of Jesus Christ by following his perfect example and confidence in obedience to our Heavenly Father. He loves us and is so eager and willing to bless us. I feel like I dont have enough buckets to store all the blessings he is giving me...and that's probably the whole point...to share the blessings that overflow our buckets. Being a better follower of Jesus Christ is an active choice. 

Love you all. Hoppy Easter. Can't believe you made the famous cake without me. Second thought - I can believe it. 

Sister Bell
1. Made crepes for sister wagner on her b-day!
2. Temple


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