Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 14, 2014

Don't even know where to begin! Last week we went into Boston and set a baptism date with Don! How exciting right?! I hope I can go!

The rest of the week we've just been sprinting and this weekend was our first trial weekend of our display boards!!! Back to back to back events - friday, sat, and sunday. We are booked the rest of the transfer. We have 2 official large displays done, 2 more done by next week, and by the end of the transfer we will have 5 smaller boards on the auxiliaries and programs of the church. 
We were getting people to look at it and asking for their feedback as there's some bugs we have to fix and such. My two favorite responses: 
1. "Well, they say it's testing, but Salt Lake never sends things out without them testing if first."......
"Lady, Salt Lake didn't make this" (ok I said it a lil bit nicer :) )
2. "Have you had the chance to check out any of the displays yet? We would love your feedback!"
"No, I was just at Washington DC Visitors Center and we saw the exact same thing."
"really? the EXACT same thing?"
"Yeah, the videos and everything, pretty sure its the same." 
"Thats interesting...because these have never been made before" 
(ok i probably said that a little bit nicer too)

We are really happy with how they turned out and actually got some great feedback and new ideas we want to try. We can't take any credit for the beautiful graphics which is what MAKES it - we have the best designer ever. It's so wonderful to say "This is what we want - place this here and that there...and make the rest look pretty". We have a really spiritual experience of how we found and chose her - and man are we glad we did.
I feel like the luckiest human being on the planet - I get to go to the most amazing musical events and spiritual firesides at least twice every weekend. I get to travel anywhere in the mission. This also means I also don't get any sleep but man it's so worth it. I feel like i'm on an adrenaline high every day. This thursday President Packard is attending a mission presidency seminar and we are creating videos and pictures for him of the displays and how easy it is to set up to give to salt lake. They are very curious at what we're mixing up over here. No pressure.

Didn't you love conference! We spent one session at the church, one at a senior missionary's home and one with our sweet surround sound we set up in the office. I can definitely agree with Elder Bednar's talk. I feel like i've experienced some of the greatest loads in my life...the other day when we were driving in the car i was thinking about his talk and the words were going over in my mind and I felt so empowered, so excited. Our physical bodies can only handle a certain capacity...but our spiritual bodies have endless capacity. Endless. We can do, be, and conquer anything. We were designed with the capacity to do so and have been blessed with the gift of the Savior's atonement so that we can fill that capacity. What a loving Heavenly Father to give us loads to provide traction to bring us home, to prepare us to help other's loads, and trust us enough handle and respond to the loads in a way that draws us closer to him and not away. 

Happy Easter! What a great reminder to ponder and study what the atonement really means and what it can do for us.
Love you!
Enjoy a flood of pictures!

Sister Bell 

1. It's like Christmas in the office these days :) 
2. Boston!

1. Boston w/ Don and Audrey..got to see sister barney too! 
2. Boston Library - looks like a museum inside - so pretty
3. Sisters Conference - got to see Sister Crane :)


Ill send better ones next week but here's a sneak peak!!

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