Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 23, 2013

As a missionary weeks are crazy. Im sure that's just life though. I look at the computer screen and my brain is just....dead. Im struggling to remember what I even did this week that you guys would want to hear about.
This morning we went golfing with our nonmember buddy Paul. he's like 60, retired, has terminal cancer, and is agnostic. Right on. I hit like 150-200 yrds so that's not TOO shabby for a first run on golfing I guess. He saw me hit one and set up the next one and look at my goal target and said uh oh, you have that look. When golfers get a hit like that it hooks them like a fish. Youll have 500 terrible swings and one good swing and then youre hooked so you can try to get the perfect swing again. He's right - I had so much fun and want to go to a driving range so bad again!
Funny moment of the week:
we went to dinner at a less actives house. we invited a LA to invite a LA over for dinner with us there. Killing a few birds with one stone. We had a GREAT time and they had dr. pepper on the table. He kept saying how it was his herbal drink. I said, "Bro. Ortis my mother would faint if she heard you say that and my dad would give you a giant hug". ive never seen someone look so serious - for a second I almost thought he ACTUALLY  might think its good for you. We were laughing so hard - I read the ingredients to him and said "the 2nd ingredient is corn syrup!!!" he said "exactly!! corn! hello that is so good for you!" dad you'd be so happy, and mom youd be so proud for me reading the ingredients.
They both came to church yesterday too! I played a musical number in church which was awesome because it gave us a great excuse to invite more people. Nonmembers and LA think playing in church is a big deal so its easy to hype it up when its really not that big of a deal to those of us grown up in the church. They came PLUS my favorite investigator came(woops awkward...youre not supposed to have favorites)...AND this nonmember that is neighbors with an old member who moved out of the ward who we do service for and she feeds us came! They said they thought they would never see the day where they saw her walk in the church doors. BUT she came!! It was a great sunday.
Ups and downs and all arounds.  
Love you all - go invite your friends.
Sister Bell

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