Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 30, 2013

You gotta mix up your life a little bit as a missionary soo first come the bangs...then come the wanna be glasses. I just wear them when I need some extra confidence. People think theyre real so its fine. :) Plus ive gotten in with a lot more people with them - a girl in primary now loves me because she has the same ones and this nonmember said i look like his daughter.....WHO IS A MEMBER. good story with that one. i knew they were inspired glasses :) 
Leaves are changing - happy fall!
Wow it sounds like there is a lot of love in the family because everyone is happy.....and everyone is pregnant. I guess thats the nature of the beat with big families....literally.Youre gonna have to retake that grandkids picture...like tomorrow
Watching the broadcast on saturday for relief society was incredible wasn't it? What a blessing covenants are. The 2nd speaker who talked briefly about the work of salvation was an amazing reminder that we COVENANTED to share the gospel. Are we doing all we can to keep our half of the promises to our heavenly Father?
We had the cutest lesson with our investigator. SOMEHOW we mentioned heavenly parents and he caught that and asked about heavenly mother. Boy was it a nightmare trying to explain how we have a heavenly mother and why she is not mentioned very much. In our first lessons there was a clear differentiation between the bible and the book of mormon. And THIS lesson when he asked things, he asked where they were at in the scriptures, meaning either one/both bible and BOM. That was a flag to sister barney and I about how much he really is progressing without realizing it. He is referring to them as ONE. We asked him to give the closing prayer. It was SO funny - he said, "Dear heavenly father...and also heavenly mother if youre there". We werent going to expain that we dont do that in this lesson but it was down right hilarious. For the opening prayer his wife said it and said "thank you for sister bell and sister mackey" and Don goes "Sister Mackey? It's sister barney! Who are you talking about??" and she goes "oh my gosh you guys im running on 3 hours of sleep here i cant even think. Im sorry sister barney." this is all IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PRAYER. I just kept my eyes closed while i couldnt refrain myself from busting up laughing. Dont worry - thank goodness the spirit still came in after that. It's pretty much how 1/2 the prayers go in that home..they turn into hilarious conversations midway. we're working on that :) Can you see why he's my favorite now?? 
 Sometimes its hard to see progress in others or even ourselves but when we step back we begin to realize how the lords hand really is in our lives and is our source of progression.They raise their grandson and when they came to church last week they got him a part for the primary program which means now he has to keep coming..and for all 3 hours...bummer.  :) He made comments in priesthood and afterwards kept asking how we knew that the lesson was going to be on that, That our lesson with him that week prepared him perfectly so he could answer the questions!
Don, its called following the spirit - we had NO idea the lesson was going to be on that but thanks for giving us the credit. They are like my family now - they brought us back souveneirs from their trip to florida for us, "their girls", it was so cute. Just for them alone make me NEVER want to leave Ellington.
Transfers are comin up. Should know this weekend during general conference. We had interviews with our president this past week which was AWESOME. Part of me thinks im leaving Ellington, part of me thinks im staying. But ive quickly learned that you can think whatever you want but no matter what the lord still ends up being in charge and surprises you so i just dont think about it. President asked if I could stay another transfer with sister barney and I said of course. We talked about the frustrations of having so much in my head, so many principles, so many things i want to apply, but im not able to in ellington because of our low pool of investigators. My district leader told me that in his interview he recommended that i get transfered to a busy area so i can apply my learning so we'll see. My president is SO SO inspired and each time i'm 100% confident that his decisions are under the direction of the spirit. It's exhausting. Im so so tired and I try not to get discouraged but i just see ellington for what it COULD be and the Lord is definetly teaching me patience - that this is his work and not mine. Right now we are spending all of our efforts working through the members - teaching THEM how to be missionaries and set goals, which is an exhausting process when they dont fully get it. but i know that patience will pay off - that its the lords way of doing it.
Sister Bell
"We go to the temple to make covenants, we go home to keep them."
Choose to make covenants. Choose to keep them.  -- THAT is CHOOSING CELESTIAL. 
1. my favorite little black friends
2. Turning over a new leaf - - HAHA - get it? :)
3. My little oreo cow friends we practice teaching the Restoration on 

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