Monday, September 16, 2013

Hey Family!
No one freak out - I GOT BANGS. Never done it before and i figured i wouldnt after the mission so nows the time to get crazy. It's not as bad as i thought. Check out the picture!
Today I got to go to "The Big E" - the biggest fair in new england! A member in our ward (Bro Mehr..ive talked about him before) and his wife had us meet their nonmember friend Susan who we wont teach because shes not in our area :( but we are getting in contact w/ other missionaries. she had a priesthood blessing a year ago and everytime she brings it up she starts to cry because she said shes never felt so much peace. we told her how she can have that all the time and that there are more things waiting in store for her. Anyway, she took us to the Big E and we had a BLAST and she was able to ask mormon questions like crazy all day. We call her Auntie GiGi. Everytime I look at her I see her in white in the temple. When we gave her a book of mormon and told her that the passages marked will allow her to feel that same peace she did when she got a blessing, she started tearing up.
Our mission president counselor came to our ward this week. Answer to prayers. It was the most amazing spiritual experience. He asked us before the meeting about the area and our investigator pool. When we described to him about how it is basically empty and none would be coming to church today and that we havent taught an investigator lesson in 2-3 weeks....we looked into his eyes and said so sincerely "sisters i am so deeply sorry. you must feel so frustrated because i know you are working incredibly hard". Looking into his eyes was almost like looking into the Saviors and water filled my eyes. Not expecting that. Instead of asking what we were doing wrong..why we didnt have a big teaching pool...he responded with love and true understanding. We told him that we just want the members to take us seriously and trust us with their friends and really understand that they need to start sharing the gospel NOW...not in 2 years when the temple open house is here. In sacrament meeting he spoke so powerfully and a majority of his talk was focused on US. He used some temple phrases and said "no one else in this room, not even myself, has been directly called by the prophet of god except those 2." He had us stand and again emphasized of our divine calling and asked the members to ask themselves when the last time is that they had the missionaries over and challenged them to invite us over for a short 20 minute visit.
We were able to have a meeting with him and his wife and the bishop and our ward mission leader. what a privilage to have the opportunity to be in such meetings at such a young age. Great things are coming. I am amazed and humbled that I get to be apart of such a changing time let alone walk in the steps of the greatest missionary: wilford woodruff.
I feel like I am starting to feel like im getting in more of the swing of things as a missionary - being a trainer i feel like is being a parent, but not in a babysitting way. Sister Barney is amazing and ive been MORE than blessed with someone that doesnt need to be trained but its still very hard to teach someone else how to be a self sufficient missionary and to not rely on the trainer which makes me think of parenthood. Its a good opportunity the lord has given me to grow and learn and learn how to be more selfless which i need to take more advantage of.
Love you all - fall is slowly coming and im getting pumped! Fall leaves here we commmee! :)

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