Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28, 2013

Well kids, this letter is coming on a wednesday which means it was transfer week this week. Good and sad news:
Good: IM STAYING IN ELLINGTON!! I love everything about ellington - the smell (stinky cows), the people (fat and half naked, or those who strut out their front doors wearing their brand new kahki pants from cabellas not knowing theres a tag still on them with their dirty hat on and coffee mug in hand) and i have the perfect angle outside my window. when the alarm goes off i get to lay in bed and peak out the side of the curtains and watch the sun rise over a hilltop...every morning. Yeah I live the dream.
Sister Barney is also staying and my love for her grows each day. I couldnt ask for a better companion. I want to stay in ellington forever with her as my that too much to ask? I know im getting transfered next transfer though i just know it - i love ellington waaay too much.
Sad: Im sick. one day i woke up with a little scratchy throat and YES MOM i took doterra right away and ate the doterra on guard drops through out the day. Then last night was the worst night of sleep ever. I couldnt breathe and we leave our windows open at night because the fresh cool air feels good, but it randomly got so hot and humid last night which made matters worse for breathing. it hit me like a freight train. I feel like a baby when im sick and I hate it but sister barney has been SO great. I feel like a zombie half the time and my body is pretty achy. im sure it wont get worse.
Satan is real. He's mostly real because he's where a lot of people don't think. We have been going to members homes and setting specific measurable goals that have deadlines with them and teaching them the beauty of that and we realized that as a companionship we haven't been taking our own advice. missionaries set goals all the time, look in my planner and youll see weekly and daily goals - BUT look in my heart and youll find a lot of desire but not a lot of deadlines. Sister Barney and I decided to make goals for the area and goals for a companionship and the deadline is by the end of the transfer. We are both so excited about this. It just happens to be a coincidence that right when we set these goals - my weakness is attacked. I'm not saying satan got my sick.......but i AM saying that some fishy things have been happening. Watch it satan - i dont like fish so youre going to have to try a new tactic.
Last week we had a mini missionary (it was a 20 year old that just wants to see what missionary life is like - so for 4 days she's a missionary and lives with us and has to follow mission rules) how cool is that?! i wish i had the chance to do that. hope we didnt scare the poor girl. We had that and then exchanges where i went to the city of hartford and didnt see a single person my skin color all day. Apparently buenos tacos isn't enough to get you through the day with those people. The comp i was with spent langugae study time helping me right down my story of  how i came to the decision to go on a mission and my testimony. then i read it to their investigator that day. That was a cool experience - it was fun to be a language missionary for the day....and it was probably only fun because I knew that i would be going home to english that night.
AND on a very happy note, on sunday, a bunch of people came up to us telling us of their missionary moments which never happens as often as that! Nothing that is like "meeting with the missionaries tomorrow" but hey this is an amazing step - we'll take it!
This monday I get to go inside the boston temple. couldnt be more excited! Ill think of you Big B looking down at the carpet :) anyway I know the power of goals and of deadlines. its in everything we do - mortgage payments, home teaching, etc. Sanctify yourselves by making these goals - i promise that it will protect you from the advesary. I also promise you that if you ride your bike up lots of unexpected hills like me, you'll be tired and sore. And I promise you that if a skunk walks by you and sticks its tail up at you, you are 99.9% likely to get sprayed. THANK HEAVENS I was in the .1%. thats all im sayin.
Love you all. Stay true, go cougar blue and ill be cheerin for the big my heart.
Sister Bell
Keep it real. Fight on. 
if i had an editing program out here i would make them legit but here's the classy book of mormon ads for the week:
1. Are you in the MOOOOD to hear a message about Jesus Christ?
2. Life's a maiz. Let the Book of Mormon help you find your way. 

1. just a typical sunset
2. just shows ellington's priorties
3. And this is why we work through members...because many who are ready are getting harder to reach...LITERALLY


1. our last family photo before transfers
2. Our DL (the one farthest right) ripped his pants in district meeting. so for support, the rest of the elders tied their suit coats around their waste as well. probably the hardest ive laughed on my mission so far. they need to give more modesty talks to the elders than the sisters these days. elders, please stop buying tight suits.


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