Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

I am practicing my spanish because tomorrow we are doing exchanges with our sister training leader and im serving in their spanish area in Hartford. Ill just tell them all that ive been taught: buenos tacos. Im sure theyll love it.
It's been a good week - the sister missionaries before me were amazing and I've really felt almost feelings of dissapointment. They worked so incredibly hard so fix the momentum in this area and get great things rolling and I feel like i've slowed things down. I feel like I'm doing all I can but I feel like theres SO much more that could be happening in this area....I just dont know how to get there. If I look back at the week, our numbers aren't that impressive but if I look back and think of all that has happened, the Lord has given this area so many miracles. So many things happen in one day and millions of things happen in a week that sometimes I forget when i'm asking for a miracle that He gave us a huge one 24 hours ago - we just felt like it happened 24 weeks ago. Revelations and miracles dont happen over night usually - its a process. We've just been focusing on changing little things and making more direct commitments with members and seeing how we can help them with their callings more. A few people that we thought would take forever to break through with we visited this week and as a result we had such a busy sunday. We did sharing time in primary as a last minute favor and went into youth sunday school to share about journals on our missions..we were bouncing everywhere. and we loved it! I think some members were surprised and we know that its the little things like that that will help these members trust us with their friends.
One of the many miracles this week:
We found this cute couple! We were early for a dinner appointment so we went knocking and it took a lot of doors that I just thought "just throw tomatoes at me...itll probably be nicer"...hey one guy did actually give us tomatoes from his garden! they were pretty good :) Finally we go to this door with a huge bathtub out front very confused we decide to knock on the door and before we even said our names or ANYTHING...all i said was "hi, what are you guys doing? its not everyday we see a bathtub on someones lawn." she laughed and long story short invited us in to show them what they were doing. We wont say no to that. Turns out they are redoing their bathroom. We told her who we are and what we do and she was so excited to show us her christian cds that she listens to of Joyce Meyer. We showed her our articles that we wrote for the digital mission. she told us we could keep the cds. we told her we would take them and burn a copy and come return them. We went back a week later. It was later in the evening and she walked out of the house so we thought ah man this is going to be a quick drop off and shes not going to invite us in. But we asked how the remodel was going and she said oh good come help me pick a paint color! This time her husband was in the room and we talked about their family and all that theyve done and then we talked about what we did and it naturally flowed until i looked at sister barney and said outloud in front of them, "oh my goodness, wouldnt she just LOVE relief society?" Then we turned to her and told her all about relief society and how its the largest womens organization in the world. she liked that and said, "How can I sign up?!" How cute is that - i was dying inside. We told her about the self defense class that got rescheduled because the teacher didnt work out and she said wow if you guys need help with that i would love to get involved and i know some people that could help teach it. Why yes, we have a calling in mind for you. We told her husband about priesthood and he seemed a little hesitant when he found out church is 3 hours. We then asked them what they look for when they go to church and what they hope to get out of it. All that they said is what this gospel has to offer - and we told them that. He was still a little hesitant and tammy said come on lets do it - pinky promise me youll go with next sunday. so they did right in front of us. We hope they really will make it to church this sunday.
Love you all! thank you for all your prayers!
Sister Bell
Keepin it real...because it is real. 
picture 1: amazing sunsets in ct every night
picture 2: a member got us hooked on hot chocolate cooladas from DD. We are now local DD goers. How embarrasing. 


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