Friday, August 29, 2014

August 25, 2014

Please forgive me for not writing last week! My letters are annoyingly lengthy enough that they make up for it, right?

In the past 2 weeks we've conquered the world. I'll try to keep it to just a few highlights - just know the highlights could go on for hours.

First off, we have the best trio. Enough said. I think we defy all the stereotype fears that come in trio life. Sister Hansen is a star and she reminds me of Caitlin needless to say I adore her. It's been a blessing to have another friend that is very chill and easy to relate to. We picked her up halfway from her old area, New Haven, CT...which was so conveniently the exit that my favorite members from Ellington the Kravetz family lives! Of course we stopped. She gave us provisions for the road like a true Saint which turned out to be quite the miracle considering the weekend we had on the road. Thanks for answering our prayer Holly! 

That night we took sistah Hansen in for top gun PVC madness. We had been doing that temple filming and on our 'extras if time permits' list we figured we'd put Elder Calvert on the list because he's elder Taits companion (the missionary that helped with filming) so it'd be convenient. We'll time didnt permit, but we made it permit. We wanted to film him in the perspective of the word of wisdom and a 'how I live my faith' video with the neat perspective that he's on the BYU Basketball team. Yeah, I know. 
We were going to film him at a random outdoor basketball court buuuuuuut come on now. Outdoor basketball court?? Give me a break. Danny Ainge lives in our area and is literally the man. The rare spirit of non awkwardness veiled my identity enough to call him to see if we could use the IPF. It helps that he's seen the Vistors Center and loves's probably mostly just because he's the man. 
One of the summer practice league players was there shooting when they opened it for us. 
What'd up, sorry, want me to turn off the music? Oh no it's cool man, would hate to throw off your shots. But since you asked, yeah we'll need it off for filming in a half hour. Let me grab you a Gatorade. Why thank you, my favorite flavor is 'cool blue' but no why would I feel cool right now? This kind of stuff usually happens in a normal missionary life, right? Right. 

That weekend we had church tours in Providence again-land of the promise. SOOO MANY LESSONS....SOO MANY REFERRALS. It was madness. Let's just say Hermana Hansen got a good first few days. We were like "we want to say this is really rare and we never get this good of a life buuuuut we seem to say that every day so you can probably assume it's the norm". 
Don't think I just live at Disneyland all day, it's really hard but I think what makes it great is that I love the kind of hard that it is. I feel like my mental and physical capacities and exceedingly unnormal. I just feel more and more desire everytime I wake up - more of a desire to feel the spirit, to be kinder, to be more patient, to work even harder, to serve others, to be obedient, to trust God. As a result I like myself even more each day. Although I still struggle with deciphering the promptings of the spirit and the normal tests of patience like we all do, it's more of a happy process. I'm more patient with myself, more ok with screwing up, more willing to set aside the little things. 

The displays are getting printed in Spanish as I type. The letter was sent off to Salt Lake. They responded. Woa. Evaluations of what events more most effective are getting better. We are very busy. We are very happy. 

This week should be another rough week as I we attend the BYU football fireside where the players, coach, and new BYU pres will be there. Devastating, really. Absolutely devastating. 

Sister Bell

Keepin it real
Celtics IPF
Boston Trio
Throwing tea in the Boston Harbor :) 
Old North Church
Kravetz House!!


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