Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 11, 2014

The Boston Mission has happily gained in numbers - since the ebola outbreak in Africa, we've received 2. The experiences that these missionaries have gone through is amazing. One minute you're in a teaching appointment and get an emergency phone call saying go to your apartment immediately and don't leave. Throw all your food away. Oh you did, shoot well now you're going to be stuck there for 2 days. Ok go to Ghana...just kidding! turn around in the airport - consider yourselves permanently reassigned to Boston! Oh the faith of missionaries!
I also went to a funeral this week. It was kind of tragic - a mom and a daughter will killed on their way back from girls camp. They left a husband and 2 other kids. In a weird way it was kind of neat to go to a funeral the same week as Grandpa Bell's funeral. It was one of the best funerals i've attended - the husband/father's talk was amazing. He stood up and said "to stand up here and rant for an hour about all the wonderful things they've done and who they were would do them an injustice. So i wont. We all know what kind of people they were otherwise you wouldn't be here. So I have a more important message that they would want me to say." He went on and talked about God's Plan for us, that not only is this life not the end, but all the things that we get to be apart of in the next life. "All that they were and all that they did doesn't stop being apart of them. They are still serving and learning and becoming better. They are so so happy. So don't you dare be sad. We all go through forms of greiving, and in the quiet nights when I feel alone, I still miss them and weep for them, but we can't be sad for them. They deserve more than that. Go home and set aside time and ponder how you met my girls and how theyve impacted your life, and who you are because of it." It was really inspiring how bold he was. I hope we dont dare question our loved ones happiness or even existence once they've passed on. And I hope we don't dare be sad.
The other exciting news is that we had interviews today. President Packard called this morning and we have a lot to prepare for in preperation for his letter being sent off to Salt Lake about the visitors' center. He's like "Uh, I figured we'd write the draft in your interview time, so you may not get one....but i figure you're doing fine." In fact, it was the best 'interview' i've ever had. Sister Hurst and I were in it together - we spent half the time laughing and the other half very excited. Its like preparing for Christmas. Speaking of which, sister hurst and I may be able to stay 2 weeks longer than normal so we can help with all the PVC Christmas nativities...... :) We'll talk about that later.

THE FINAL NEWS!!!! WE GET A THIRD COMPANION THIS WEEK!!!!! We've known for a couple weeks but now its official. Sister Hansen - shes currently serving as a Spanish assigned missionary. She also looks like a perfect disney princess - its about time we have a beautiful face for the PVC. We are SOOO excited to have her and we will be able to triple the work and of course triple the fun!
Try to have as fun of a week as I will....but thats a pretty high standard to beat. Get to teach the coolest haitian man, drive someone to the airport at 5 in the morning, pick up a new companion in New Haven, CT, and have 4 events. Can you top that? I dare you. 

Lots of love,
Sister Bell

Keepin real....and keepin it with 3!

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