Monday, February 10, 2014

January 20, 2014



Because of the stinker MLK holiday, I’m handwriting my weekly letter. 

I think I say this every wee, but this was seriously THE BEST week ever. Ew, I’m 20 nowL But I’ve never had a better birthday. Thank you for all the cards and packages! Mom, I CAN’T BELIEVE you found my necklace. I opened it at the end of the day right before I went to bed and seriously almost cried. I told Sister Kendall I feel like the most spoiled daughter of God ever! I must have been a major kiss up in the pre-existence because I feel like that guy from that awful cheesy Disney movie, “Luck of the Irish”, where he just has things seem to go his way! I lost my planner which contains my brain. I prayed all day and what do you know, of course my planner showed up! An appointment cancels and then someone calls and needs our help, I’m telllin you…weird stuff happens.

We had the fullest Saturday on my birthday and the BEST birthday present I received?? THREE NEW INVESTIGATORS. We are now teaching a family!!

I haven’t done that yet on my mission. They grew up in the church and have been to our ward before, but usually go the Spanish unit. The dad said he’s always felt like he was ready to get baptized but no one really pushed him into it. The mom was so sincere and tender as she said, “sometimes I’m just not sure if I’m worthy enough” and their 14 year old daughter said, “I used to want to get baptized….but I just haven’t really thought about it since.” They are an incredible and beautiful family. We are so stoked to teach them.

Now that you really do think my life is perfect…it’s rally not. You better believe we get chewed out on a daily basis from members and nonmembers and sometimes appointments cancel and I really do struggle too fill the time and most of the time it feels like you’re doing everything wrong. But the point is…how can all the blessings and miracles that DO happen not beat all the small, silly , sad things??

Our Bishops are on fire and members are catching on quick. We really are a part of the “fabric of the ward’ as our mission calls it. We get weekly assignments from ward leaders and the new mission plans we are starting to implement are simple, focus, and specific. We are starting to have more than we can say grace over. We talked to Pres and Sister Packard about really wanting another set of missionaries so each ward can have their own. Its hard to balance—wards slightly overlap on Sunday with the time chance and we are constantly running. But yes, I try to act peacefully as the Savior did.

Everything just feels really good and I have a lot of work on, but I like who I am. I always have, but it’s just a little different now. I like having complete trust in the Lord and being able to really not stress about anything. Salvation can be pretty stressful and I think it kind of made me feel that way before, but now I don’t feel that way. Missions should be the least stressful time in our lives because God gets to control the results…in fact, all of life should be pretty stress free. Learning how to be stress free AND diligent and proactive is a talent!

With all that being said, the moral of the story is that I’m happy. Very, very happy. I’m learning a lot from the tough, rich crowd and feel so lucky to be here.

Love you all!

Sister Bell

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