Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Transfer week - sorry it comes on wednesday instead of monday!
Sister Kendall and I were thoroughly convinced we were staying together. We both are so new here and based on interviews with Pres. we had this transfer we both were very confident we were staying. We were very very confused when we saw on "the phone call day" President Packard calling.
Sister Kendall gets to train a brand new missionary in Belmont! I am excited for her because that is her favorite thing to do but I really really didn't want to leave Belmont. Also means we are released from being Sister Training Leaders.
The good part about it is me and my new companion Sister Wagner have been called on a special assignment! I know sister wagner from leadership meetings and she is one of the best missionaries ive met. Shes cute and fun so im excited. We are going to about getting a pay raise....oh wait, we're not paid....Whats up Danny Ainge.
There are already 2 sets of missionaries in Weston 1 so we aren't technically assigned in we are not active proselyting...weird.
My new home is now the mission office. One of us will work on an Ipad and the other is working on presidents computer. We are assigned to get rolling.........A PORTABLE VISITORS CENTER!!!!!
The stake president is the retired CEO of Dell and has generously donated funds to get this going. The idea is so that when there are special events in church buildings around the mission such as special firesides, baptisms, etc we can bring our "portable visitors center" so that nonmembers in attendance can learn about the church in a nonthreatening way. A few women like Sister Haight and Sister Christensen have gotten ideas started for the process but everyone had such different ideas that nothings gotten rolling. There are so many directions we should go...should there be one? Should we provide one for each stake and have them take responsibility? How should we lay it out - all in one location in foyer or room or make it a church tour? There are a million pros and cons for all options. We have to figure out that and mostly figure out the CONTENT for what is going to be on whatever we decide to display it on such as flat screens, projectors, etc. President said he called Salt Lake for ideas and they said they havent really done much like that before so they couldnt provide much information. We have a missionary here that is on her 6 month leave for Nauvoo Temple Visitors Center and so we are going to collect content from what shes done and from and see what happens. It's really really exciting - I feel so lucky i get to be apart of it! I get to advertise for the church? Heavenly Father knew that was my dream job and i get to live it early! I am nervous about the new experience and a lot of pressure from a lot of people who want to be pleased who have different ideas of how it could be done. I asked President Haight his advice and he said just worry about pleasing God and be bold with what we decide to do.
When we aren't working on the visitors center, we will be doing all the office dirty work for the assistants and potentially at night we get to be in the portal for the digital mission to chat with people online! Here we go for being an office sister. President said he plans the project will probably take us 2 transfers (3 months).
Ill miss teaching at the Haights. Ill miss doing activity days at President Christensens and ill really miss going on splits with the Romneys to teach people on the cover of national geographic. Ill miss Ali's baptism and spiritually packed lessons (although we're so close ill probably get to go). And of course ill miss sister kendall!
Im excited to focus more on receiving specific revelation from God for what he wants on this project. Im also excited that this means i wont have a car and will get to walk to and from the office each day. since we dont really cover a ward it means no dinners so ill get to control my potions and what i eat - hoping this will burn off a few pounds. :)
Love you all! Send your ideas for the visitors center! Pray for me! P.S. Shout out to Ashley and the new baby this weekend!! Cant wait for pictures!
Sister Bell

1. The sisters we covered for the transfer!
2.Saying goodbye to the Zanattas - one of my most favorite families. S. Zanatta is LITERALLY identical in every way to Ashley so it was fun :)
3. Enough Said.

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