Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

Well, i'd say Natick is great, but I haven't seen too much of it! But W Central st out the office window still looks good..thats pretty much all we see. I got to go out to lunch with the Dowlings - Brandon spent Christmas at their house. They said they remembered him..they dont remember all the missionaries but he stood out (they said because of personality..who knows if thats good or bad :) ). They also said I look just like him.....I dont know if thats good or bad either ;)
The PVC is coming along! We are trying to push Salt Lake who thinks its a great idea, to send us the content from the other visitors center so we dont have to go the round about way, but until then we just have to keep moving forward assuming we're not going to get it. President Christensen met with 10 of quorum of the 12 last week and we're hoping that's one of the items on the agenda they talked about.
Just got a call from President as I type! We got a graphic designer in mind who will be hired to do the layouts! We are meeting with President tomorrow morning at 8 am to run through it all. So....say goodbye to the rest of our pday to get ready for it. Yikes. pray for us. 

Ill share just one experience I had this week...
On Saturday morning we got to go to the temple to do baptisms for the first time with Sis. Wagner's recent convert. It was nice to be in Belmont again, even if it was just driving through. I had a very special tender experience in the temple. We had joined another ward's youth group and to be considerate of their group size S. Wagner and I chose not to do any baptisms and just watched Mary (the RC) and the member friend that came with her too do them. We were just sitting in the chapel watching them through the glass, when a young women came and sat down beside me. She said, "Hi, i'm Lexi! What's your name?" As I began talking to her and told her my name, it was evident that she was mentally handicapped. I had my arm on the back of the pew around her and she just smiled at me and then put her head on my shoulder. She told me she was about to "do blessings". 
A few of the young women left to get dressed and told her it was time to go get ready now. She said no, that she wanted to stay. The girls looked at me apologetically and I said it's ok she can stay while you get ready! We just sat there and every now and then Lexi would remind me how excited she was to do blessings (confirmations). We always talk about being confirmed as receiving the gift of the holy ghost. And it very much is a gift..but I never had used the word blessing to describe it before. But it is that too...a literal gift and blessing from Heavenly Father -that we dont have to have the option to feel the presence of the Holy Ghost, feelings of peace and comfort and answers to questions, just sometimes, but what a blessing it is that we can have that ALL of the time.
Lexi knew that. I encouraged her to go get ready and she did. By the time she was done, Mary was done as well and we were back in the chapel just sitting with Mary for a few more minutes. Lexi came in and squeezed in between me and Mary so she could sit by me. "Sister Bell I got to do blessings!" She gave me a hug and we sat there again with my arm around her as we looked out at those getting baptized. "Oh, look, there they go!" she'd say as they went in the water. As I had my arm around her I felt such an overwhelming sense of love, and all that I had left to say was "Lexi, Heavenly Father is so happy you are here" over and over again to her. 
We finally had to go and I said bye to Lexi. The next morning in my personal study I found this quote:
"I believe that if we could have the privilege of walking physically with the Savior, that we would feel His arm draped over our shoulder just like that. Like the disciples heading toward Emmaus, our hearts would “burn within us” (Luke 24:32). This is His message: “Come and see” (John 1:39). It is personal, inviting, and embracing in its invitation to walk with His arm around our shoulders."

I'm not sure why Lexi sat by me instead of the 20 other people in the room, but i'm sure glad she did. I got such an inch more of a glimpse of how the savior feels about us. When we return I think that's all most of us will need, is just for him to put his arm around our shoulder and say "I'm so glad you're here." I think that will be enough, because our hearts will "burn within us" that tells more than what you could ever say.
I've learned even more, especially in this project, that the Lord doesn't have to work in grand gestures to show his love in a grand way. We wish for that, or at least I do. Big gestures are cool, can be life changing, recognizable, and solidifying. We sometimes feel like we deserve them too or that we have a level of faith that earns them like "but i have an important calling" or "but i have a very important question" or "im worthy and living in the best way I can that i could receive it that way".But I think it sometimes takes an even higher level of faith to recognize that when God gives you an umbrella instead of taking away the rainstorm...when heavenly father help us work through our problems instead of giving us the answer to the equation...or when you put your arm around someone and tell them you love them...that it's just as grand, and just as much heaven's hand.

Love you all! I hope you can feel the Savior's arm around you this week, and in return, act as the Savior and put your arm around someone else this week. 

Sister Bell

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 17, 2014

Hi Family!

Congratulations to the newest member of the family, Jaxon! What a cutie! 
I am settling into the Weston area. You can send my mail to the mission office: 
182 west central st. suite 203, natick, ma
It is a new experience working in the mission office. We have a nice new renovated apartment and 2 senior couple missionaries live in the complex as well and make sure we're taken care of. Theyre the cutest to work with. WE LOVE THEM. Theyre a blast in the office. Makes me ssoo excited for mom and dad to be a senior couple. Sis. Wagner is my new companion. She is great - shes the most upbeat positive person, sometimes its scary how happy she is. She is a firefighter - legit right?? The office likes to make fun at the rugby/firefighter companionship. She has 21 nieces and nephews - way surpassed me. didnt think thatd ever happen! shes also only a few transfers away from going home which is weird - i told her shes not allowed to get trunky on me and she agreed :) 
There was a crazy storm this weekend. Im so glad i have warm shoes and warm clothes to bundle up in! makes you grateful for the pioneers! 
The portable visitors center, PVC is coming along. We did our skeleton outline and tons of research from other visitors centers. We called salt lake to try to get access to the christus recording that we are thinking we'll put with a short video of christs ministry - no we're not bringing in a 30 ft fragile statue. Now that we have it outlined we are working on dissecting each auxiliary and gathering clips and quotes for content for the boards and interactive videos. Needless to say we're really excited to attend the presidency meeting tomorrow for all our work to get sent to the shredder.....

Its a little hard because we were given no direction accept go do it. Im excited to receive more specific direction tomorrow as we counsel in a group. I feel really inadequate to be working on it - i dont know why they asked us because i can think of a million other people who could come up with way more brilliant ideas. I feel ok though because I feel like I'm giving my all. I know that means good things will come regardless of the source. In sacrament meeting yesterday there was a talk about revelation and how a lot of times God closes a lot of doors, and what a blessing that is because it guides you to the one that is open with SURETY its the right door. I felt like thats our project in a nutshelll. Sister Wagner are going to research and put together a million things for 9/10ths to "go to waste" because of one comment in a meeting that will change it all, and put it together the right way. But we'd then know with surety...we'll know we did all we could and thats enough regardless if it reaps direct results for the project. We've been given an immense amount of trust to be the only missionaries with an ipad....without securities too. I feel this overwhelming sense of duty (in a positive way) to The Lord. I dont want to spin my wheels to do busy work, but i do want every second to count. I have no idea what im doing but i already have an addiction to the project. As soon as I wake up...after i want to kill the alarm clock...i get super excited and continue my content and video dissecting for each of the topics. As i watch all of the videos and read piles of info on I feel such an overwhelming spirit and sense that this is going to bring so many people to Christ. How could you not be addicted to that? :) 
Im happy - im trying to show how happy i am on the outside so i wont seem like a crazy psycho thats addicted to the office work. Ive learned about myself that when im around social happy people when theres a lot to do it makes me go into over compensation of the flip side of being boringly diligent. so im working on being....funly diligent? yup - thats a word. im also working on my english skills........

picture: sis wagner and i taking a pic on the ipad. i know - woa.

Love ya! Keep us in your prayers that we'll know what to do!  
Sister Bell 

Keepin it real...cuz it is real!
1. meeting the new comp
2. our new toy
3. our new office


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Transfer week - sorry it comes on wednesday instead of monday!
Sister Kendall and I were thoroughly convinced we were staying together. We both are so new here and based on interviews with Pres. we had this transfer we both were very confident we were staying. We were very very confused when we saw on "the phone call day" President Packard calling.
Sister Kendall gets to train a brand new missionary in Belmont! I am excited for her because that is her favorite thing to do but I really really didn't want to leave Belmont. Also means we are released from being Sister Training Leaders.
The good part about it is me and my new companion Sister Wagner have been called on a special assignment! I know sister wagner from leadership meetings and she is one of the best missionaries ive met. Shes cute and fun so im excited. We are going to about getting a pay raise....oh wait, we're not paid....Whats up Danny Ainge.
There are already 2 sets of missionaries in Weston 1 so we aren't technically assigned in we are not active proselyting...weird.
My new home is now the mission office. One of us will work on an Ipad and the other is working on presidents computer. We are assigned to get rolling.........A PORTABLE VISITORS CENTER!!!!!
The stake president is the retired CEO of Dell and has generously donated funds to get this going. The idea is so that when there are special events in church buildings around the mission such as special firesides, baptisms, etc we can bring our "portable visitors center" so that nonmembers in attendance can learn about the church in a nonthreatening way. A few women like Sister Haight and Sister Christensen have gotten ideas started for the process but everyone had such different ideas that nothings gotten rolling. There are so many directions we should go...should there be one? Should we provide one for each stake and have them take responsibility? How should we lay it out - all in one location in foyer or room or make it a church tour? There are a million pros and cons for all options. We have to figure out that and mostly figure out the CONTENT for what is going to be on whatever we decide to display it on such as flat screens, projectors, etc. President said he called Salt Lake for ideas and they said they havent really done much like that before so they couldnt provide much information. We have a missionary here that is on her 6 month leave for Nauvoo Temple Visitors Center and so we are going to collect content from what shes done and from and see what happens. It's really really exciting - I feel so lucky i get to be apart of it! I get to advertise for the church? Heavenly Father knew that was my dream job and i get to live it early! I am nervous about the new experience and a lot of pressure from a lot of people who want to be pleased who have different ideas of how it could be done. I asked President Haight his advice and he said just worry about pleasing God and be bold with what we decide to do.
When we aren't working on the visitors center, we will be doing all the office dirty work for the assistants and potentially at night we get to be in the portal for the digital mission to chat with people online! Here we go for being an office sister. President said he plans the project will probably take us 2 transfers (3 months).
Ill miss teaching at the Haights. Ill miss doing activity days at President Christensens and ill really miss going on splits with the Romneys to teach people on the cover of national geographic. Ill miss Ali's baptism and spiritually packed lessons (although we're so close ill probably get to go). And of course ill miss sister kendall!
Im excited to focus more on receiving specific revelation from God for what he wants on this project. Im also excited that this means i wont have a car and will get to walk to and from the office each day. since we dont really cover a ward it means no dinners so ill get to control my potions and what i eat - hoping this will burn off a few pounds. :)
Love you all! Send your ideas for the visitors center! Pray for me! P.S. Shout out to Ashley and the new baby this weekend!! Cant wait for pictures!
Sister Bell

1. The sisters we covered for the transfer!
2.Saying goodbye to the Zanattas - one of my most favorite families. S. Zanatta is LITERALLY identical in every way to Ashley so it was fun :)
3. Enough Said.

Monday, February 10, 2014

January 20, 2014



Because of the stinker MLK holiday, I’m handwriting my weekly letter. 

I think I say this every wee, but this was seriously THE BEST week ever. Ew, I’m 20 nowL But I’ve never had a better birthday. Thank you for all the cards and packages! Mom, I CAN’T BELIEVE you found my necklace. I opened it at the end of the day right before I went to bed and seriously almost cried. I told Sister Kendall I feel like the most spoiled daughter of God ever! I must have been a major kiss up in the pre-existence because I feel like that guy from that awful cheesy Disney movie, “Luck of the Irish”, where he just has things seem to go his way! I lost my planner which contains my brain. I prayed all day and what do you know, of course my planner showed up! An appointment cancels and then someone calls and needs our help, I’m telllin you…weird stuff happens.

We had the fullest Saturday on my birthday and the BEST birthday present I received?? THREE NEW INVESTIGATORS. We are now teaching a family!!

I haven’t done that yet on my mission. They grew up in the church and have been to our ward before, but usually go the Spanish unit. The dad said he’s always felt like he was ready to get baptized but no one really pushed him into it. The mom was so sincere and tender as she said, “sometimes I’m just not sure if I’m worthy enough” and their 14 year old daughter said, “I used to want to get baptized….but I just haven’t really thought about it since.” They are an incredible and beautiful family. We are so stoked to teach them.

Now that you really do think my life is perfect…it’s rally not. You better believe we get chewed out on a daily basis from members and nonmembers and sometimes appointments cancel and I really do struggle too fill the time and most of the time it feels like you’re doing everything wrong. But the point is…how can all the blessings and miracles that DO happen not beat all the small, silly , sad things??

Our Bishops are on fire and members are catching on quick. We really are a part of the “fabric of the ward’ as our mission calls it. We get weekly assignments from ward leaders and the new mission plans we are starting to implement are simple, focus, and specific. We are starting to have more than we can say grace over. We talked to Pres and Sister Packard about really wanting another set of missionaries so each ward can have their own. Its hard to balance—wards slightly overlap on Sunday with the time chance and we are constantly running. But yes, I try to act peacefully as the Savior did.

Everything just feels really good and I have a lot of work on, but I like who I am. I always have, but it’s just a little different now. I like having complete trust in the Lord and being able to really not stress about anything. Salvation can be pretty stressful and I think it kind of made me feel that way before, but now I don’t feel that way. Missions should be the least stressful time in our lives because God gets to control the results…in fact, all of life should be pretty stress free. Learning how to be stress free AND diligent and proactive is a talent!

With all that being said, the moral of the story is that I’m happy. Very, very happy. I’m learning a lot from the tough, rich crowd and feel so lucky to be here.

Love you all!

Sister Bell

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

Hope everyone had a great superbowl sunday - I never thought that I'd forget to think about the superbowl. We didnt even realize it was yesterday until late last night at an old lady's home. Its such a blessing to not care - people sometimes tell us these psycho things that happen in the news, crazy weather reports, or end results of the superbowl....It's interesting to think how much our lives are wrapped up in things we consider to be of major importance that aren't and then we wonder why we don't have enough time to do all we need to or want to.
The lesson with Ali went great! He mentioned again and again over dinner and in the lesson that he felt God's presence there. He has a gift of recognizing the spirit - we talked about what that was and God's pattern of how he speaks to us and shows us his love. When we asked how he got involved with the church he said he was given a book of mormon in 1984 and loved it. since then he's had members of the church weave in and out of his life. late last year he was over a project with another company. When he talked to the 2 men from the group he said "the moment i looked into their eyes, the thought came to mind 'they're mormon'." He said he didnt want to say anything at first but after working with them, discovered they were infact members of the church! They planned a business trip to SLC around general conference last fall and he LOVED IT. He personally met Elder Nelson..I think even went in his office! When he returned home, Elder Nelson wrote him a personal letter. He talked about it like no big deal and I told him that I would probably never get to experience that and almost all of the members of the church will probably never get to experience that. So cool!  It was a great discussion - we tried to teach the restoration in terms of asking questions and asking experiences of how God works and again about his patterns. We didnt even talk about Joseph Smith and yet he brought it up saying he knew that he was a prophet..that he would have had to receive that revelation from God. He has a desire to get baptized and we invited him to ask God when he should and what his answer would feel like. He said his wife is supportive of him taking the lessons but not interested herself, and since its such a sudden change of direction for him, he wants to be cautious of her feelings - He said that patience in that timing is the only thing holding him back. At the end we asked HIM to teach US the plan of salvation for tonights lesson. He readily agreed. We assigned up 2 nephi 2 with a question to think about and in return he gave US a question to think about for it too :) Tonights lesson will be another fun one where we wont know what the heak we're doing.
first, go ahead and look up February's edition of national geographic. NOW. Ok, youve briefed the article that's shown on the front cover? You probably didnt understand half of it...all about the crazy new research on the brain? dont worry i think thats a normal feeling. they talk about the main researcher Van in the article and his upcoming findings.
A member (considered an "intellectual") called us and said this man had questions about science and religion. After talking about the subject for a very long time, Van said he had no idea mormons thought about science and religion. Brother Sivers, the member, called us and said he invited Van and another intellectual science person from the ward who knew Van to have a meeting in their home and he felt impressed to invite us. We already had another 1st lesson member referral  that night so we went on splits so we could do both. I went with Brother Romney and his daughter to the lesson with Van. We got the man who is so smart he doesn't know how to speak socially, 2 science mormons who talk about science faster than the speed of light, and Brother Romney who....enough said, oh and dont forget me all in one room!
I knew i would do mostly listening but made it a goal not to be a the same time respecting i dont know anything theyre talking about. I prayed so hard that day for courage. I can never explain things out of my mouth clearly and so i prayed that something would come out clear and id know what to say. It was a discussion about how we are all seeking truth and still striving to know how God works and operates and how science is involved in that process as well. Brother Sivers mention how we needed his help to continue on this process of learning together. Thank goodness brother romney was there - he was our main connector of bringing it all back to gospel principles with all the madness in the room. He explained experiences from his mission of the process of finding and defining truth and how no one can teach it to you but we can provide resources so that people can discover the truth themselves. Im so glad he was there because it provided me the opportunity not to be a wallflower - much easier to bounce off of than the other scientific talk. I talked a little bit about truth and how we come to know how God communicates back to us. I talked about how we know that's evidence he's there and how we cant seek truth for selfish gain but so that we can know how to ACT -  and when we're willing to do that, God trusts us with giving us more knowledge.

Watching this guy's body language and reaction to what we were talking about was almost HILARIOUS. I had brought a Book of Mormon and i decided to pull it out. I told him we brought him a gift that was very important to us and that it contained all the knowledge we talked about tonight. I told him that through out all the research he had done, reading this book with real intent of seeking truth not for selfish gain would be the most intellectually and spiritually exhausting experience he would ever have. I told him that only he could discover it for himself and that i knew it was true.

The guy looked at me like i was a downright idiot. He leaned in and said, "How old are you?"
"I just turned 20." He chuckled a little bit and sat back. I said, "yeah, I get that a lot"
But for some reason, I didn't care. I knew that I didnt know everything about the brain and how to make clones in the future...but I DO know about how the most scientific, knowledgeable, and most supreme creator and inventor of all time talks back to us. I know who he is and I know he is real. I thanked heavenly father so much that night that he provided an opportunity for me to bear testimony hopefully that came our half clear.
It was an awesome experience being able to participate in the lesson but I wasn't counting on him really wanting to know more personally.
We heard of a fireside about science and religion coming up and texted Brother Sivers about it yesterday, thinking van might be interested. He then called us and told us that after the discussion that night, Van called him THAT NIGHT with a load of questions. Then he said he woke up to an email van had sent in the middle of the night..with more questions. THEN he said he called him at work because he couldnt wait to ask him a question. He said he wants to help us figure out this whole science and religion thing. Brother Sivers also said Van said he was mostly touched when I told him about how I knew truth and was astounded that someone of such a young age could be so confident in a knowledge of something like that. It was nice of brother sivers to say that. I really didnt do any of the teaching that night and no way could i have ever explained the gospel in a way he would understand by myself but its good to know that if all we need to be is the innocent ones who say they know its true, we can be there. Van is going on vacation for 2 weeks (we hope he brings his BOM)- but B. Sivers says when he gets back he's going to help Brother Sorensen (the other smartie there who also teaches gospel doctrine) teach in gospel doctrine and add a few comments. He is also willing to talk to them again about what we believe and B. Sivers said of course he'll have us there. Crazy, right??
Oh and the other first lesson taught by amaaazing sister kendall is now a new investigator! Maria! She's awesome! and we hope her husband and kids will have the desire to learn too as she continues. Blessings aflowin!
Love you all! Pray for me as I dont know what the heak im doing over here!
Sister Bell
Keep on keepin on!

1. Fenway park fun!
2. thanks to lindz for the b day cake! :) -fianally you can see what sister kendall looks like too! :)
3. Franklin Park zoo