Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013

So much to say - so little time.
You are now reading letters from a missionary who.....RIDES A BIKE. We do have a car but very limited miles and we've had to go to boston a couple times for meetings - as a result we bike some places. Just picture that. Its worse than you picture. I ride with one hand on the handle bar and one hand on my skirt so it doesnt fly up. Plus, its hot. like getting really hot. BUT: picture this - the entire time I cant stop laughing. I literally get off the bike each time with tears down my face from laughing so dang hard. There are no sidewalks so im pretty sure its a huge possibility to get hit by a tractor coming down the street - one has been behind us before and i was laughing so hard as i was praying "please please dont let him hit me as he tries to pass me". its quite the adventure.
You are also now reading letters from a missionary who....IS A SEMINARY TEACHER. What? Yes. new testament. have i read the whole thing before? No...not at all....havent studied it in literally 5 years since freshman year of high school. Ok im not really a seminary teacher - but i am - We are teaching 3 inactive girls who want to get caught up. No one could get into this family's house before - we had tried and they wouldnt answer. One time we called and they said they were home and could stop by. We talked with one of the daughters who wants to apply to BYU-Idaho but is worried because she hasnt been going to seminary. LONG story short sister crane was like - well we can come by and do independent study with you. and then i was like "yeah we could do it like 3 days a week and you could study on your own the rest of the time and it'll be fun". Then Sister Crane and I both looked at eachother and were like oh no what did we just say. Then we looked at the mom and before I had the chance to say just kidding she was like wow that would be so so helpful - i really want to sit in on the lessons too. I suggested we do New Testament so they wont overlap with the future years since thats what they studied this past  year. Sister Crane and I left and when we walked out the door we laughed and then got really scared and said "What did we just agree to?" Sister crane said the wonderful thing about being a missionary is that we are automatically set apart for any calling in the church we are called to do while on our missions and this is considered one of them - so we are entititled to the same blessings and abilities as a seminary teacher who is set apart.
I've never been so physically and mentally exhausted in my entire life - but i've never been as rewarded and happier either. Wasn't the missionary broadcast amazing??? The most amazing thing is that since the new mission president came in, he has had that vision of member missionary work - everything the prophets said is what hes been teaching and what we've been applying. To hear that confirmed by a prophet of God was even more amazing. I dont want to take away from any missions that tract because every mission is different but i have not knocked on a single door since i've been on my mission. And trust me, our days are full. working through the members is the best way. and its not like we go to a family and share that cliche end of dinner missionary spiritual thought. its different and you better be sure that we follow up and the members are learning that. We are teaching someone that we met doing service who volunteers with us at the food bank (we are meeting the first time this week) so it doesnt mean its not important to talk to everyone. But it does mean that you are there to utilize the members and dinner appointments are relaxing time - they are another appointment in our book on the Lord's errand. So members: do work! you make it possible! You are the missionaries! we are just the teachers.
I couldn't be happier! I know I am a tad biased but I'm pretty sure this is THE BEST time to be a missionary. I get to be apart of a transition that will change the Lord's work forever - my kids wont even realize what missionary work used to be. people hvae been asking if i get an ipad/tablet soon. Not right this second....but after reading my mission presiden'ts weekly email they will be figuring it out and distributing them slowly area by area. So we are betting soon :) He is prayerfully considering the next step and doesn't want to jump into something out of excitement and make the wrong sure i will be receiving one soon :)
This is the Lord's work! He has a hand in each of your lives more than we realize!
Sister Bell

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