Monday, June 24, 2013


1. My companion made me breakfast on sunday when i gave a talk in church as a good luck. shes the best
2. Just stopping by to pet the cows on our morning bike ride!

1. Sister Crane and I at Sisters Training Meeting
  -they decorated the table so cute...strawberries in that pot sticking up and in the pot was the sour cream brown sugar stuff lindsey is famous for
2. More food because we are fatties. We experimented mixing apples and brown sugar and made an oatmeal brown sugar cinnamon topping. turned out legit
3. members love us and the house we do laundry at leaves ice cream for us to eat while we wait. is it a coincidence that we only take pictures with food in it? awkward.

June 24, 2013

So much to say - so little time.
You are now reading letters from a missionary who.....RIDES A BIKE. We do have a car but very limited miles and we've had to go to boston a couple times for meetings - as a result we bike some places. Just picture that. Its worse than you picture. I ride with one hand on the handle bar and one hand on my skirt so it doesnt fly up. Plus, its hot. like getting really hot. BUT: picture this - the entire time I cant stop laughing. I literally get off the bike each time with tears down my face from laughing so dang hard. There are no sidewalks so im pretty sure its a huge possibility to get hit by a tractor coming down the street - one has been behind us before and i was laughing so hard as i was praying "please please dont let him hit me as he tries to pass me". its quite the adventure.
You are also now reading letters from a missionary who....IS A SEMINARY TEACHER. What? Yes. new testament. have i read the whole thing before? No...not at all....havent studied it in literally 5 years since freshman year of high school. Ok im not really a seminary teacher - but i am - We are teaching 3 inactive girls who want to get caught up. No one could get into this family's house before - we had tried and they wouldnt answer. One time we called and they said they were home and could stop by. We talked with one of the daughters who wants to apply to BYU-Idaho but is worried because she hasnt been going to seminary. LONG story short sister crane was like - well we can come by and do independent study with you. and then i was like "yeah we could do it like 3 days a week and you could study on your own the rest of the time and it'll be fun". Then Sister Crane and I both looked at eachother and were like oh no what did we just say. Then we looked at the mom and before I had the chance to say just kidding she was like wow that would be so so helpful - i really want to sit in on the lessons too. I suggested we do New Testament so they wont overlap with the future years since thats what they studied this past  year. Sister Crane and I left and when we walked out the door we laughed and then got really scared and said "What did we just agree to?" Sister crane said the wonderful thing about being a missionary is that we are automatically set apart for any calling in the church we are called to do while on our missions and this is considered one of them - so we are entititled to the same blessings and abilities as a seminary teacher who is set apart.
I've never been so physically and mentally exhausted in my entire life - but i've never been as rewarded and happier either. Wasn't the missionary broadcast amazing??? The most amazing thing is that since the new mission president came in, he has had that vision of member missionary work - everything the prophets said is what hes been teaching and what we've been applying. To hear that confirmed by a prophet of God was even more amazing. I dont want to take away from any missions that tract because every mission is different but i have not knocked on a single door since i've been on my mission. And trust me, our days are full. working through the members is the best way. and its not like we go to a family and share that cliche end of dinner missionary spiritual thought. its different and you better be sure that we follow up and the members are learning that. We are teaching someone that we met doing service who volunteers with us at the food bank (we are meeting the first time this week) so it doesnt mean its not important to talk to everyone. But it does mean that you are there to utilize the members and dinner appointments are relaxing time - they are another appointment in our book on the Lord's errand. So members: do work! you make it possible! You are the missionaries! we are just the teachers.
I couldn't be happier! I know I am a tad biased but I'm pretty sure this is THE BEST time to be a missionary. I get to be apart of a transition that will change the Lord's work forever - my kids wont even realize what missionary work used to be. people hvae been asking if i get an ipad/tablet soon. Not right this second....but after reading my mission presiden'ts weekly email they will be figuring it out and distributing them slowly area by area. So we are betting soon :) He is prayerfully considering the next step and doesn't want to jump into something out of excitement and make the wrong sure i will be receiving one soon :)
This is the Lord's work! He has a hand in each of your lives more than we realize!
Sister Bell

Monday, June 17, 2013


A Key difference between sisters and elders: we made mint brownies with a fathers day quote for our less active fathers in the ward and delivered them. It is rare we get a chance to connect with the husbands so we decided to snatch this opportunity! it works - pretty sure one of them is coming to church next week. who woulda thought. in case you are wondering, the notes have an anchor on them b/c the quote is "a family needs a father to anchor it" by elder...perry? 

For lunch or on the off chance we dont have a dinner appt our meal consists of:
left over baked beans from a member
left over pasta salad from the RS activity
left over quinoa salad from the RS activity (mom totally thought of you - youd be so proud)
and of course drinkin my water out of the classic christmas mug
Such is the life of the poor and humble

June 17, 2013

Another amazing week! I never know where to begin. I am in good hands here - a hilarious family had us over for dinner and fed us an awesome dinner and it took me a while to notice..but everything was green. There was a green spread on the bread, the noodles were green, we had chicken with a green pesto spread, limeade, and there was green candy on the table. It didnt hit me until desert when we had green icecream. GREEN. They were feeding THE GREENIE. They aren't so much this way, but their extended family is super red neck as well as their son who has killed deers and carried them home on the back of his car. Their relatives look like they came out of Duck Dynasty - that is NO exaggeration and they said they act like it too. I died laughing. So dont worry - its cool - im in good hands. Also mom, you'd be so jealous, along with my cow neighbors is obviously fresh farm eggs that we can buy. you know youre in the country when They have a fridge on the porch filled with eggs - self service. All you do is leave a couple dollars in the fridge. yeah, you guys, its real out here. Every day I have to make sure i'm not dreaming.
Funny note about my comp: remember how she played rugby with me? Well aparently I stalked her blog before the mish too. I just didnt realize it because i never knew her last name. She was telling me one day about when she was a block away from the boston bombing and I was like wait a second...i've heard this story before and definitely told it to a hundred people. Do you have a blog called "Boston Bound"? She's like oh my gosh yes!!! we died laughing. she told me another story and i was like "i know i know...." and then quoted a line from her blog. she was pretty freaked out but every time we die laughing so im pretty sure shes not TOO freaked out. We have the most amazing companionship! Im only worried because I know they just dont come better!
Yesterday we taught Cory, the guy whos getting baptized July 13th, the law of chastity. Try teaching a big black guy from the hood who has 2 kids out of marriage the law of chastity.........its......a great experience. I just wanted to die laughing the entire time. No need to say more. Long story short -  he committed. And when talking to him about his reading for the week (JS History) - he was applying it to himself (and we never told him blankly to apply the scriptures to himself its awesome) and basically shared an awesome testimony with us. and Sister Crane was like, "So do you believe it? do you think he really was a prophet?" and he got this look on his face and said yes. Its amazing to see people who are really sincere - you can tell the difference when hes not. and because he knows these things are true - its easier for him to commit to hard things. once you realize the WHY...things arent hard anymore.
I love everything about being a missionary...and half the time i have no idea why or i cant put it into words. its the same way i feel about how our investigators feel about the temple. A lot will say about the temple in more words or less: "i want that". And its funny because they really have no idea even what the temple is. But they want it and they say things like "i know i have to quit smoking if i want to go there". um hello - thank you for saying it yourself when i didnt even teach you that yet. Thats when you know someone gets it and is prepared - when they see BEYOND baptism. Because its not about baptism - its about converting others unto christ to help them see the eternal perspective and to always strive for something greater..something better. So although they dont KNOW what the temple even is, they FEEL it. The spirit has planted that desire in their hearts so they will want to continually strive and endure to the end. its the same way I feel about being a missionary: I dont know all the tricks of the trade yet that is for sure. half the time I dont know what im doing...but I FEEL it. And I know that is the same feeling from the spirit that is in my heart that makes me want to continually strive to be better and want to be a better example of Christ. I hope that sometimes you dont know why you are doing something or all the details of something...that you FEEL it. Because that's more important and more lasting than knowing the details.
I want you all to know that this is the Lord's gospel. And the atonement is much much more than just repenting of our sins or feeling clean. Its a continual change towards God. Becoming one, and becoming something greater - something we cannot do without him paying the price first. What a blessing that is to know that. Dont take advantage or be careless with that knowledge - live it and share it. Even members of the church continually need your examples and your strength. Look and pray for opportunities and act on them. The Lord provides daily small miracles. I love you all! Im sure you guys a praying a lot...someone has to be because i am definitely feeling them. Keep them up please - prayers work. They aren't just a one way wish to God.
Sister Bell
keepin it real, because it is real

Monday, June 10, 2013


1. Boston temple where we get to set goals and tell the Lord what kind of missionary we want to be before we head out to our new area (we didnt get to go inside though)
2. madeline this is for you! i saw your BFF Elder Tait!! Great Elder.
3. Us on the plane getting pumped for Boston! 19 sisters and 2 elders - yeah, you can say WOW again
1. These chumps are ready to kill it in Boston
2. Saw Elder Williams! love that kid - good luck in Texas
3. Rugby sisters for life

 1. My new comp is in the middle - its the generation of who trained who :)


Here is Lori's new address for the next 12 weeks...
110 Jobs Hill Rd #92
Ellington,CT 06029

June 10, 2013

I apologize for the length - skip to the bottom if you just want to feel uplifted and skip the funny business.
Drum roll please.....
This girl is in Connecticut! Ellington for those who know where that is. It is BEAUTIFUL, but dont think of Boston when you think of my mission. Not. even. close. Lets just say, flip open a page to Country Living Magazine....and guaranteed they probably took that picture of my front yard. Our neighbors are so nice....I have tried sharing the gospel with them several times, but all they do is keep their head down and say moo. I think they are progressing quite nicely though. Yup - my neighbors are cows and corn fields. It's kind of the most precious thing on earth. Shout out to Ashley who I immediately thought of the first time driving down the street to our house: "Look! Cows! Grab the camera!"
You're kind of not allowed to say you have the best mission in the world, because it's all the Lord's work and we are all building the kingdom, so that's not fair. HOWEVER, I CAN SAY that i have THE BEST mission president that has ever lived and ever will live. Right after the prophets and apostles, I'm pretty sure he is the most inspired man i have ever met. He is originally from Texas than then moved to CA for a couple years, and then got called to Mass. So he has the texas love, heart, and hospitality with some modern CA flare, and a whole lot of Boston go gettem attitude. He has the most amazing young family and has sacrificed everything for the Lord. He really is teaching us how to live a consecrated life in word and deed. I stayed at the mission home for 2 nights. They have a whole wall of bunkbeds in the basement. Everything is just perfect - yelllow house with slate blue shutters with a President who calls his wife "mama" and "baby" and "queen bee" - its the most adorable relationship i have ever seen. They act as one. He really knows the scriptures and uses it almost in everyday language and in prayers, and he does it almost sounding texas/baptist - its awesome. He interviewed each one of us and prayed about where the Lord wants us to go.
The day before I got sent out and knew where i was going they send you to the heart of Boston to contact people in the park and give you cards and BOMs to pass out. Me and Sister Klecker (my MTC Comp) paired up and went out. we walked to the other end of the park because we knew that the other pairs would stick around close. After a while of walking I turned to sis K and was like ok we have to do it sometime. We spotted a couple ladies sitting eating lunch and went to talk to them. Sis K froze up so i did all the talking. I asked them their religious background la di da...ended up giving them a card. I walked away thinking "wow that was not missionary work - that was so not natural." the ladies looked at me like i was an idiot and boy i felt like one. good think i really dont give a care so we walked on and Sis K was starting to point people out and I just wasnt feelin it. i saw a guy in a yellow dress shirt eating and apple on a bench and i said, "yellow shirt - lets do it." She's like "umm...he looks very angry." My response?: "Well that probably is a good reason to go talk to him then, dont you think?". We walked over and i asked if we could sit down and talk to him for a minute. he instantly recognized us as "those missionaries/mormons". Little did i know that this "quick minute" would be almost TWO hours of a conversation in a park! Ill spare you the details but this guy is "jewish" (not practicing) and we talked to him about himself...did lots of listening. It's all about segmenting conversations back to the gospel which led into basically giving the 1st discussion. The spirit prompted me to share a scripture from something he said and i asked if he would keep the Book of Mormon. Long story short he said yes and asked me to mark that scripture I read (so i did and marked some others too). I gave him the local missionary's phone number because he is moving and I told him to call because we love helping people move. at first he wasn't so sure - but by the end he was just astounded that people would want to do that. Im so bummed i have to leave out the juicy details - but really, im sorry if this is an ignorant greenie thing to say but by the end of the conversation i KNEW he was going to call. We were about to leave because we were already 20 minutes late and sis K was like, "Im sorry, i just feel like somethings missing....i feel like i need to tell you something but im not sure what." and all the sudden he started to cry and was like, "I actually need to tell YOU guys something. You asked me earlier if I have prayed and i said i didn't like talking about it. Theres a reason." He began to tell us how his son died a couple years ago. I was so proud of Sis K for listening to the spirit to slow down and wait. She was supposed to say that so he could express that to us. How many people do you meet for the first time in a public place, talk for an hour, and by the end are crying and have them telling you their life story? He's going to call. He's going to be ok. and it kills me that I'm not going to be the one to pick up the call.
in CT we do a lot of visiting less actives and working with members to talk to their friends. Getting less actives back to church is just as important or more important in my opinion than getting someone baptized. They have made covenants - and to not keep those covenants is worse than not making any to begin with. we are having amazing progress with our less actives. The timing is working out awesome. its said previous missionaries go through all the dirt and hard work and i get to be here for the success part. But its a team effort to build zion and im sure i will be preparing people for other missionaries in the future to say the exact same thing. one of our less actives name is Sis. Gilkes. She's black and you know for some reason I instantly love them so things are going great. Just picture the first black woman you see in your head - yup thats her. Shes got attitude and its awesome. She has lots of questions and isn't afraid to ask them. We are teaching an investigator  named i said, the other missionaries did the dirty work. This past lesson we taught him. he's black and probably a good 200+ lbs and i figured out he's a huge lakers fan. instant respect.
We taught him about the priesthood b/c he's been baptized in other churches before and we want to make sure he really understands the difference this time. He's been invited to be baptized before...but this lesson we set a date! He's so excited! We set it for July 13th! he wants it to be sooner but he's quitting smoking and doing good so far, but we want to make sure he really is good and we still have a couple more lessons for him. I am so excited. Im sure of it he really is going to get baptized. July 13th can't come soon enough. The spirit in the lesson was so strong. And Sister Crane said she was impressed by how I taught but im telling you right now - it wasn't me - it was 100% the spirit without doubt.
I have THE BEST COMPANION!!! I hope i have her for the whole 12 weeks of training and more. She has only been out for 3 months and in the area for one transfer. So its definitely still a learning process for the both of us. Her last comp had all the knowledge stored up in her head so its kind of almost like starting over, but not really. The best part? SHE WAS ON THE RUGBY TEAM!! We died laughing. Pres knows we were both on the team but there is no way he made that connection when he interviewed me. He is beyond inspired. We werent really friends because she left after 1st semester and wasn't on the traveling team but still....things could not be more perfect. Instant sisterhood. In the MTC I had 2 girls i was best friends with on the team in my zone and now i get another one as my actual comp? I'm still trying to figure out why heavenly father loves me so much. I think she is a little stressed out knowing she's training me and she's still relatively new. But she's amazing. I couldn't ask for a better companion.
Fun fact: A boy in my new ward just went to the MTC and is serving in the Ventura mission. The whole ward thinks its so funny we swapped - we joke about how we couldve saved a lot of money if we would've just stayed where we were at! he'll be in the MTC for another week but look out for an Elder Hill. His mom said she'll update me on his areas.
enough of the sugar and spice - lets get to the meat:
1. Everyone needs to get a copy of Every Member a Missionary by Clayton Christensen. He was ranked the most brilliant man in the world last year or something like that? He lives out in the east coast and gave everyone in our mission a free copy of his book - its the one outside book we are allowed to read because it is that powerful.
2. Honesty is the best policy? False. Sincerity is the best policy. People can tell easier than you think. When handled with love, the look in their eyes is unforgettable. Stop. Close your mouth. and listen. Thats all anyone really ever wants. Half the time they ramble and i think "what are you saying?" then the other half they tell us of previous suicidal tendencies and i think "you are scaring me". (its weird sometimes how much people tell the missionaries). Just remember the next time you think what you have to say is better or what you say will be so inspiring and they need to hear it. nope. just remember: Stop - Close your mouth - and listen. The spirit will then be able to prompt you in that silence of REALLY the right thing to say instead of what YOU thought you needed to say.
3. Are you living a consecrated life? I'm not asking you to give up your house and all you have and live on the streets - that's not what that means. Our president says he cringes when he hears people say "oh, yeah we dont live the law on consecration anymore." are you kidding me? Think back to when you go into the temple. I challenge all of you to dig into that a little bit more. i am so grateful i can live a consecrated life the way i do right now as a full time missionary, and it will be a little different for you. But I promise you that you can do things now that will prepare you to live that full time. Look into it.
4. I am giving a talk not this sunday, but the next in church. assigned to speak with a member of the high council. greeeeaat. it's on "The blessings of agency and importance of personal responsibility". Especially for mom and dad but if anyone knows of any talks or good thoughts on this that would be superb. it's kind of hard not having instant access to
I love you all. Sorry this letter isn't as great as the last one and it was longer. I couldn't be happier being a missionary. I know this is where I'm supposed to be at this time. I know Heavenly Father has called me to Connecticut for a reason. I think of you all often and love hearing about your families. Write and send pictures! :)
Sister Bell
Keepin it real...because it is real.