Friday, July 4, 2014

June 30, 2014

Sister Hurst is quickly swingin in the groove of things! She came right at crunch time right before President Packard's big Restoration fireside(a weird word for a lecture) bless her heart. We got home on Friday night at around 11:30pm and then had to be in Belmont the next morning at 7:30am. S. Hurst has been holdin up like a champ. The good ideas never stop coming! Its a weirder adjustment than one would think from a normal proselyting area. I just have to laugh.
The lecture is called "What the World Knows Because of Joseph Smith". He will be doing it in several stakes and this was the first (located in Providence, RI stake). He did a voice over for the Restoration that we created a video for. It's too large to send over email I think but i'll send it home. It's not perfect buuut we did spend quuiiite a bit of time on it. 3 days straight. i mean straaiiiighhht.
The night before the fireside a sister missionary got hit by a car going 40 mi/hr. They were in the crosswalk trying to catch their bus and one lane stopped and waved them go forward and out of no where in the other lane a car flew by. She spun in the air and flew to the other side of the median. Her companion barely had the nerve to go over because she thought she was dead. She didnt even go unconscious. She was hit in the side and on that side you can hardly see a bruise. She has a black eye from the landing, a couple fractures in her sinus bones, a deep chin cut (15 ish stiches) and road rash on her arms and legs but other than that - NOTHING. no broken bones. The paramedics came over and started checking her, asking if anything hurt and they were shocked. They were like are you sure?? This is supposed to be broken!
Its a literal miracle. The joke is that her guardian angel is in spirit world ICU for weeks and she was in there a day. The mission feels so so grateful. Not to say that God wasn't watching out for her if something awful did happen, that statement will always be true regardless of our outcome, but we do feel the power of the miracles that God delivers.
The firesides turned out so well. It is amazing to think about what we really do know because of Joseph Smith. Some of the most fundamental core doctrine we believe in was restored through Joseph Smith, which is why we highly regard and respect him but do not worship him. Because of Joseph Smith, deep questions are answered like do we believe we are saved by grace, works, or both? questions like what happens after we die - what is heaven really like, because its more than just choirs of angels. questions like are prayers soliloquies or dialogues? questions like what does Christ's authority have to do with performing the same ordinances he set up when he was on the earth?
It's been such a blessing to learn from such powerful leaders. I feel extra blessed that I get to use the PVC to attend all of these amazing opportunities!
Love you all! Have a fun 4th of july! PVC is triple booked - its going to be one crazy weekend.
Sister Bell
Keepin it real!

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