Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 28, 2014

My article is on - you should check it out! Same with our most recent video Sister Hurst and I made a few weeks back. If its not on the main page, you can search Lorianne. The video you can search 'restored church'.
This week we had Zone Conference - we have the most amazing leaders to learn from. We get to soak in all this knowledge from men like President Haight and President Christensen. People pay for that kind of time. We learn how to help people engulf in their own spiritual experiences, personally, in our lessons, and while they're at church. It's amazing what impact you can have outside of lessons to help people have a spiritual experience. Sometimes it's hard to step back and apply the same principle to ourselves.
My favorite PVC event of the weekend: a family baptism in Boston. The elders knocked on their door and asked if they could share a message about Jesus Christ. The mom said no. A few minutes later she ran outside the house, apologized and felt guilty for saying no. She invited them in - the dad was at first hesitant and as they progressed the little boy would ask 'Dad are you going to come to church this week?'. They've had an amazing journey and it was neat to get to see them get baptized. We set up one of the displays in the chapel and played videos during the between time while they were changing. The spirit was incredibly strong. It's amazing to see what impact God has on our lives through small ways that we can barely recognize sometimes. 
Its amazing to think the trust God places in us to make our own decisions - that we dont need him to bat us on the head every day or come down in person to help us make the right decisions. We've been given everything we need.
This week is also transfer week.....I GET TO STAY ON THE PVC!!! WOO!!! Sister Packard pulled me aside at Zone Conference and asked how I was doing and if I was still surviving. She apologized for them keeping me this long - I was like, "Are you kidding?! This is a PRIVILEGE!" We talked about what would be best with this critical timing of sending things in to Salt Lake..and evidently you can see what was determined. This will be my last transfer on it though so i'm trying to make the most of every millisecond! Happy days in the MBM. 
Sister Crane leaves for home this week!! That's kind of weird...Sister Hurst and I are already going through withdrawals without her.....weird weird weird.....
Sister Bell

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