Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Doug! 1 day late!

This weekend we had 5 events. Someone check my pulse please. I don't think the PVC needs me, but I sure need the PVC. I feel like we're recruited as the minion project people and it's impossible to say no to anything of course. I've turned into the little addicted adobe worker, its quite fun. We also got a call requesting us to come up with some new drafts of pass-along cards/logo for the website that the mission's created. If you haven't seen the website yet - GO. The missionaries are developing some amazing things there. We called in our top dogs (the PVC elders)  for some brainstorming design sessions because E. Bushnell is graphic designer. Hopefully with their help/probably them just taking it over, it'll love sweet. Man, have I mentioned we have the most talented, best mission in the entire planet yet?!?! Because we do.

PVC update - mom you asked what 'for now' meant on having the last 3 boards done. We want to expand to doing 6-8 programs/auxiliaries but we are going to stop at 3 and let it run for a bit to do some evaluating. Plans in the turnpike to give our precious information to Salt Lake. They have their eyes out over here. Speaking of, got to see Elder Nielson of the 70 on Sunday for Stake Conference in Nashua, NH. It was so neat to meet him and his wife. He shook our hands and asked about the displays and called us angels. His wife was like, "these displays need to be in every church building around the country!" Make it happen Sister Nielson. He's come to the mission before but he was here to reorganize a stake presidency and Elder Holland's son is the new stake president. Needless to say, it was an amazing stake conference. It is such a treat to be able to hop around to the most powerful church meetings every week. 
Another fun event we had was we presented to all the ward mission leaders and several bishops at the large WML meeting and then we did a presentation to all the Bishops in another Stake. THEN we got to go to Ali's baptism (YAY!!!) and THEN a ward portuguese event (this weeks accomplishment - made portuguese subtitles for our videos!! wow!) 
My life is as ADD as my writing is right now. If you promise not to tell mom, I had a cinnamon roll for breakfast, a cookie for lunch, and a piece of cake for dinner one of those days - it was that crazy. I swear I eat nothing but rabbit food the rest of the time mom!!! 

On a calm note, we had a recap Zone Conference this week to recap Elder Holland's conference. President Packard is the most powerful example on how to pray. We just sat for 3 hours and discussed how to receive personal revelation and correct patterns of prayer. He gave several examples of sources of religion that believe taking questions to God is blasphemous. Questioning God? - Yes. But seeking specific guidance and having a relationship with God that is so specific and individual? - How could that ever be disrespectful? God loves us. He wants us to succeed - of course he wants us to seek knowledge and ask questions to learn how to become more like Him.
President Packard talked about how this exercise is more exhausting than taking the BAR exam. "When you start playing chess and not checkers, you have to be prepared to know what you're not going to hit a home run every time." I've been out of practice on setting this type of pattern and so it was good to be reminded of this importance and how worth it it is to learn how to play chess.

Choose to play chess.
Sister Bell

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