Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 16, 2014

Its been a bittersweet week. Just about to get more bittersweet as we celebrate S. Wagner's final days. So so so weird. It'll be hard to let her go. She has taught me so much and we've developed a fun friendship. I told her she can have 'office hours' when she goes home and she'll just be on skype hangin in the corner so it'll be like shes in the office still.
So - the grand question - who is the lucky new PVC sister????
SISTER HURST! Sister Hurst is incredible - we came out at the same time. Shes my current Sister Training Leader and one of her last companions was Sister Crane. She was also trained by my famous old compy Sister Kendall so this will be fun - we've learned from the same people. Shes had amazing experience - she's about 23, one of the oldest sisters in the mission. She's done tons of focus group testing, she's done testing in Uganda - this girl's got it goin on. Shes also obsessed with the PVC. She's been wanting to help so so bad and has given us a ton of ideas but we haven't been ready for them because we were too busy actually just building the thing. But now we're ready :) Shell be absolutely PERFECT and im so excited to glean from all her knowledge.
We took a Family History and Relief Society photoshoot this week for the last of our display boards. The pictures turned out incredible! We had such a stressful time making a million phone calls and praying we'd be lead to the right people. Who just gets to go do photoshoots and spending all p-day afternoon the Packards doing some more voice recordings? 
This weekend we took the PVC OUTSIDE for the FIRST time!!!! If you want it - we can do it. We just used a generator and it actually worked out great. We spent sunday along the Charles River at a city chinese festival. I spent the day saying ni hao. Thank goodness i'm an english misisonary. I also got burned - this office missionary hasn't seen sun in quite a while. The missionaries got 12-15 solid contacts and return numbers which is REALLY good. Plus we handed out over 800 flyers and pass along cards. Also PVC went to RI and had major church tour success there! AMAZING things are going on in the mission right now, its incredible.
In the car today on the way to voice overs I asked President Packard what his vision was for this next transfer and get on the same page of what we want to accomplish. The goal is to set up the script for the church tour and start setting up times for the PVC to go to areas in the middle of the week to do church tours. We have a lot of work to do on planning the script, and then helping the missionaries advertise to the community and members. He said that when we start doing that we will probably be teaching more lessons than any other missionary in the mission. My stomach dropped. Man, Heavenly Father does answer prayers. Not only have I always been weak in my teaching skills but i've also been out of practice for 4+ months. I'm a little nervous - it'll be a different style doing lots of first lessons and then passing them off. Im also nervous as it will take a lot of careful prayer and revelation for planning this interactive script. I will need lots and lots of prayers.
Love you - i will send a picture of my new companion next week. Enjoy the flood of pictures this week! 

1. Last District meeting of the transfer
2. Charles River :)

1. photoshoot! woo!
2. THE CONTAINER STORE - for OCD individuals only

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