Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

I am sorry I didn't write last week - p day was switched to wednesday because it was transfer week and since it was new years day, the library was closed. I got sick last week but nothing like a whole bag of Doterra drops to seal the deal. We also got red-dotted on thursday. That means you aren't allowed to really leave the apartment. We had "Blizzard Hercules" come in. People were so dramatic - it wasn't even bad.
Sister Crane got transferred - we knew it was her time and that it would be too weird to stay together longer. My new comp is Sister Kendall. Holy cow, I could spend the rest of my letter talking about sister Kendall. She is the most humble hardworking and likeable missionary/person on the planet. Im not just saying that either. I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite transfer of my mission. So much good is happening in Belmont we just have to pick up the pieces and put it together. Sis. Kendall is THE perfect person. I think we'll work really well together. Heavenly Father keeps spoiling me. Im hoping if i just continue to say thank you thank you thank you he'll keep it coming :)
It's almost exhausting how many miracles occur. MIRACLES ARE THE NEW NORM. They happen to each of us every day, I think we could do a better job at recognizing them and realizing the source. People always say they are "coincidences". Think again kids.
Here are just a few:
1. Christmas evening we went to the Baratta's home to share a spiritual thought and turns out they have family in town. As we sit down, their older son said, "Are you from Camarillo?"
"I think i've been in your house...."
After i'm sure he saw the creeped out look I had on my face he said, "I served there about 2 years ago on my mission." Anyone remember an Elder Baratta december 2011-may 2012?
2. Helped at the mission home for incoming new missionaries last week and guess who i see? ALYSSA WESTOVER. She is doing very well - I told President she will be one of the best missionaries in the mission and he very seriously looked at me and said "oh i know, there is something to her - i was very very impressed in our interview" So tell the westovers shes in good hands :)
Then i see this kid from my BYU ward who's a visa waiter in our mission! Small world!
3. MATT - you know the staples?!?!? Derek Staples? He looked at me in their house and was like wait camarillo? Holy cow i can totally see it! You look like matt bell!
those are just the lame examples too. If i had time i would expound on all the spiritual miracles.
Farah (the Farci woman we are teaching english) came to church! she said she had a dream of the inside of the buildling.....maybe thats miracle #4
I know that i am apart of these miracles not just because I have a name tag on but because I am actively engaged in the Lord's work and I know that as we each become more engaged and more diligently act upon what we feel God is prompting us to do, we will see and be apart of more miracles.
Love you - ill try to send pictures next week!
sister Bell
"Miracles are expecting certain things to happen and actively seeking to bring them to pass" - roger terry

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