Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

I told you this land was blessed in more areas than one!
On the other hand, a college nearby just got put on lockdown because of a shooting. Dont worry its out of my area :)
Last week was fun - one of the members that had us over invited us to stay for FHE and carve pumpkins with them. Halloween we cant have lessons or proselyte so the cutest lady (we do laundry at her house) took us out to dinner.  
We also got a member referral! A member invited his co-worker - we've only taught him one lesson. It was kind of frustrating because for some reason it just wasnt the best we've done - we just didnt feel "on our game". I was bummed because we want to do our best, especially for member's friends. Unfortunetly, missionaries arent perfect. The good note is he agreed to let us come again so phew, we get a second chance :)
I also believe the Lord works in mysterious ways. We had an awesome lesson with Gary on Sat. Part of the lesson was reading him the baptismal interview questions so that if there was an area he didnt feel as good about, we could focus our lessons more on that for the remaining weeks he has until his baptism. After reading them he was surprised when we finished and he said, "Oh, thats it?" We laughed and said yeah that's it. We had preped him before and said it wasnt like a quiz and he didnt have to memorize anything but he said "ah man, i memorized the baptismal covenant! You dont have to tell them that?" We were like no, but thats awesome! You should tell US!" He told what you commit to and then said really excited "and this is the good part - the blessings. He named off a few and then you could see him thinking about one more and he and my favorite, the constant companionship of the holy ghost.
I wanted to fall of the couch. We talked about faith and why we set a date and asked him when he said he wanted to get baptized in november if he had a date in mind. We were like...uh because its today. We pulled out the calendar and said just to give you a visual. He held it in his hands for a while and looked really nervous. We told him that he could change it, but that by making a plan and taking it to the Lord says a lot more than just asking the Lord for a plan. He gets that but said I cant pick a day right now. Buuut he said that he would fast about it. Sunday he wasnt at church. We saved a seat and waited and waited and he didnt come :( We got a text from him though saying he had a huge rash break out from either something he ate or stress. Great - the mormons are stressin him out! However....this is the lord works in mysterious ways was the WEIRDEST fast and testimony meeting ive ever been to. normally our ward has legit testimony meetings. but our wonderful LA talked for all the testimony meetings hes missed for the past 20 years.......i wanted to laugh at how ridiculous it all was - i felt like i was in some reality tv show...yet at the same time i wanted to cry out of horror. its ok it was good for him. next month we will give him a prep lesson.
Our off the hook fireside that me and Sister Barney are putting together is this Sunday! It's called "Tune in to Gratitude". We've searched far and wide for the best of the best musicians and had the bishop challenge the ward to invite at least 1 nonmember friend/family. We got relief society to deligate the awesome fancy refreshments and our awesome member did the artwork for the poster and invites. Hopefully its amazing and a great finding opportunity because we are still starving for a bigger teaching pool. members are still trying to find the connect between inviting your friend to an activity is not just to plant a seed and walk away...its a search for who's ready for the next step of inviting them to meet with the missionaries!
Still working on finding the joy through the journey and not just work work work through the journey. It stresses me out when we have a blank spot in our schedule and having to determine which the best way to most effectively use that time. But we are doing lots of good. This new idea of missionary work is so exciting and i feel like the luckiest person in the world to be on the front lines. Our ward is AWESOME. Ward Council is amazing - we have the best ward leaders. and ward councils keep getting better and better. i want to stay in this ward my entire mission im getting so attached! which can only mean one thing...
Im trying to love every second and enjoy having sister barney as a companion every second of it as well. :)
Love you all! Go preach the good word!
Sister Bell
p.s. - if anyone would like to be put on the direct email list, let me know! id be happy to put you right on that way you dont have to go to the blog

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