Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

Sister Barney and I had the best week! We have been planning this huge musical fireside the past month and this sunday was finally the day.
Someone counted and said there was 180 people that attended. We figured out there was almost 20 nonmembers out of that 180. How crazy is that? That's more than our average church attendance! We had it put in the local paper and a random couple showed up that said they saw it in the paper! They said "Wow, we always thought you guys were closed doors!"
We also put the worship times on the program so any nonmembers there hopefully saw that. We got a child prodigy to come from over an hour away and it was really cool because we got it approved to have someone do an acoustic guitar piece. Members loved it and loved that we kept the actual program to 45 minutes that way they could have time to mingle with refreshments afterwards without feeling like they had to jet home. It really gained even more of the trust of the members - they were impressed the simple ol missionaries could pull something like this off! Duh people. who do you think we are. :) In all honestly, sister barney and I were amazed and quite surprised how it came together. we felt like there were loose ends that weren't tied up or how it was all going to come together because we had a few things switch around last minute this week - it is such a testimony to me that heavenly father cares about each of us and whats important to us AND ties up our loose ends. So many members stepped up to help us organize refreshments and help with the invitation design and most importantly, accept the bishop's challenge to invite at least 1 friend.
It's amazing how the Lord can support us and strengthen us. The day before an important lesson i always think "i don't know what the heak we're going to teach this investigator or this member". Somehow...we figure out an awesome lesson plan. Then before the lesson i always think "I don't know how to explain this....this is going to be a train wreck...i don't even remember all the points we wanted to mention." yet somehow....it works out! Somehow...the spirit is there! we remember the points!
I feel like one of my weaknesses is teaching - that i have no idea how to expain anything or that i never say anything at the right time. and even though its never perfect, holy cow the Lord works miracles each time with me. On the way to our last lesson with gary, sister barney and i were talking through the lesson in the car on the way over. after i said some things i said, "wow that was awful...it cant go like that. im rambling"
BUT walking out of the lesson, I felt like it was one of my best. Scriptures came to mind that we hadn't planned and I was able to testify and explain clearly....but its only in the lessons that happens. whenever i try to talk it through it is a DISASTER. I am kind of grateful that's the case actually because it is very humbling and it makes it very easy for me to recognize that it's 100% the Lord stepping in and speaking through the spirit, definitely not my own ability. I still have much improvement to go and yeah sometimes lessons don't turn out as beautiful, but I know that the Lord is 100% ingrained in his work and that as we figure out how we can match that, allow ourselves to become 100% ingrained in his work, somehow everything aligns beautifully. :)
Can't thank you enough for your prayers - we need them most desperately...especially our investigators: please pray for them this week..specifically Gary (he's feeling stressed about baptism), Susan (as we invite her to let us regularly teach her), Tammy (that shell come to church!!) and Don!
THANK YOU! Much Love!
This Saturday i find out if I get transferred (AH! NO! Right before thanksgiving!! :( ) which means no p-day next Monday. Talk to you all Wednesday!
Bundles of Love,
Sister Bell
Keepin it real....because it is real. All of it.

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