Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

This was weekend I got to go back to Ellington! Don got baptized - it was the most beautiful baptism. He had his good friend baptize him. Before the service his friend said some words to us missionaries and Don and Audrey. He said, "You will never fully realize or see the results from what will occur today. You have just assisted in making eternal changes. Some you will never know about on this life." The spirit was so strong and everyone's eyes were hazed over with a watery film some people call tears. After Don went under the water, their 6yr old grandson who they are in the process of trying to adopt was peering through the glass with SO much excitement. When he came back up, he looked at him and said 'You're next'. I was thinking back to the first time I met them and how we began teaching Don. We went over for dinner. It was the first week of training a brand new missionary and I was kinda nervous. I had only been out for 6 weeks and we didnt have a ton of investigators and I didnt know how to teach. That morning we had decided that we'd ask Don if we could practice teach him. When the time came, I was a little scared, but knew now or never. So we said, "Don, you're catholic and have a lot of great perspective. We are both brand new missionaries and are looking to be better teachers. Could we teach you some of the lessons? Youll give us a lot of good questions - you can be as hard as you want!" He's like "wait a second...i know what this is all about....but sure! lets do it, it'll be fun!"
he did have a lot of good questions and it was a lot of fun. Pretty soon questions became more sincere and they realized what a difference it was when they came to church. they felt something different than theyd ever felt before.
As I looked at him getting baptized I thought "what if i had been to scared to ask? what if I had chickened out or thought, nah we'll try to do it the next time we see them..if we can get in again. what if Don had been too scared to go to church? what if Audrey had been to prideful to come back? What if they were too lazy to take the risk in experiencing what happens when you truly learn how to pray to god and receive answers? what if?"
Fear can do a lot of things. Its a blessing and a curse - it can prevent us from doing some pretty dumb things like jumping off a 50 story building or eating too much chocolate in fear of getting fat. It can also hold us back from experiencing greatness. Fear could have prevented testing airplanes, going to the moon, and sometimes it prevents us from opening insecurities and doubts and questions that lead to greater knowledge. Greater knowledge leads to desires to change, and positive changes brings out a greater person.
What do you fear? What holds you back?
On the way out of Ellington I just had to stop by Gary's. His car was in the garage. No answer to the door. We left a note. My heart tears for Gary still on a nightly basis. He has so many desires and knows the truth, but he is working though a lot of fears. God knows us personally. He knows our fears even when we dont express them. He knows our desires even when we dont ask for things. What if the Savior let fear hold him back from taking upon the sins of the world? What if He was too scared to perform the atonement or too scared of people's judgement?
I love you all. Pick something your scared of - and choose the prove your fears wrong this week. I dare you.
Sister Bell
p.s. - shout out to the Kravetz family who we got to see in Ellington. Best. Family. Ever. I love you and im SO excited about the famous hot chocolate!!! Dont forget to send the recipe...along with the pizza one :) Did i mention youre the best yet?

Famous sandwhich shop - Alcapones. YUM.
Book of Mormon rountable, and a sign that i truly live in new england.

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