Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 17, 2014

What an amazing week!
We now have a new deadline for the PVC - we want to get Phase 1 out by Easter so that we can have it for the easter fireside. We are under the hot press and constantly feel behind. it will be an outright MIRACLE if we get it out by then. outright miracle.
This week I also got to go on an exchange with Sister Crane. We laugh all the time about how I am always just a day behind her in what she learns. Heavenly Father always know the perfect timing to put the perfect people in our path. I was able to talk through some of the things I've been feeling and working on and she was able to teach me a lot. It was also nice to have fresh eyes on the project and Sister Wagner enjoyed being out in the real world again for the day.
Highlight of the week was on friday. Sister Wagner and I got to spend half of the day with president and Sister Packard. We went to look at dispays (Bre - does Mark still work for skyline?) That was our favorite that sister wanger and I found so the packards and us got to go on an hour roadtrip to go to their showroom. We picked out the displays and were able to make some solid decisions to move forward. What a special and unique experience to be able to have a personal lunch with your mission president. woa. Also, on a hilarious note, the city had a huge prom dress warehouse and S. Packard promised their daughter who is going to prom that we'd stop by and see if it was worth coming back to. President and Sister Packard have the funniest relationship 'whatever the queen bee says we do' is the way president needless to say we made a stop. The packards and us in prom dress warehouse with our nametags on....just picture it. Hilarious. I turn to President, "Hmm...I dont think ive been prom dress shopping on my mission yet."
Pray for us as we have a lot to do and not enough time to do it all. Love you all! Count your many blessings!
Sister Bell

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