Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 2, 2103

Hope you had as much of a fantastic thanksgiving as I did!
This Thanksgiving will go down in the books because Sister Crane and I got to teach our first lesson OVER SKYPE. What? Yes. You heard that correctly. President Haight has a friend who moved to California who is going to stanford but is moving to new york soon - its kind of a crazy situation so WE are teaching him. And we get to teach him via skype. At first it was a tad awkard...waving hello..can you hear me? But then..it was magical. Not that this should be a surprise but you could feel the spirit SO strong. He had so many deep but simple questions. "What is the purpose of life?" "Why do bad things happen to both bad people and innocent people?" I dont doubt his traumatizing past that has led him to ask these questions. He is coming on vacation to Belmont in a couple weeks! We are excited to meet him in person. He is from the lowest of classes in India (literally divided) and somehow made it to America and completely changed his life around. Now he's proving himself to be one of the best business men. We feel so lucky to get to teach him. and SO blessed that we have access to technology that make it possible to literally "teach all nations".
Other than that we've been ingrained in the ward so much which is great. Helping with their "50th anniv. wreathmaking" - talk of the town...literally THE TOWN. they expect around 300 people. its over the top insanity - but welcome to belmont. went to the 8 yr old baptism of the cutest little boy who i got to teach when we did exchanges so we already had a fun connection with them. Where else in the world do you print out classy programs and cater california pizza kitchen for the baptism? Oh belmont you can do better than that. jokes.
loving life - loving being with sister crane. and we just bought christmas lights that we're going to hang up. yay! Woa - just occured to me.....get to see ya'll over skype in T - 23 days. Woa. Weird. Weird weird
Love you all - thank you for your prayers, love, support, letters, and packages that brighten a missionary's day.
Sister Bell

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