Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

“Has the day of miracles ceased? Or have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost from them? Or will he, so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved? Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought… (Moroni 7: 35-37).

Sister Layton and I have had a miracle filled month. We've never set goals with such faith and we've never seen the faith of President Dusty, our branch president, increase as well as our members. It's been touching to watch the way he made announcements in the beginning of the month about these goals to the way he's talked about them this past Sunday. It's funny how most of the time we don't even see the impact we are having on ourselves. We've practically tripled our teaching pool and tripled the amount of members that have gone out with us. We had a baptism date but we rescheduled it for December for multiple reasons, which we know was the right things to do. As a result, North Brookfield didn't have a baptism this month. However, we are still so grateful for the miracles that god did give to us. Sister Layton and I woke up November 30th, last day of the month, and there's are still 3 people i can think of that we will see at church that are ready and able to be baptized. I turn on the primary song titled Baptism and we both agree that we have no choice but to wear what color today? Blue of course. We've fasted every Sunday of the month for miracles, and they have occurred, just in unexpected ways. This time we fasted not just for miracles, but for understanding of why we didn't meet our area goal this month. I feel like i've received that answer and probably through out my life i will continue to learn more about what really happened this sacred month.
The even betters news? The mission's goal was to assist in having 70 individuals enter the waters of baptism this month. Something this mission has never even touched. 2 years ago we were in the monthly 20s. We have significantly increased since then, but still have never been able to meet the 70. President Packard has had a vision ever since he got in the mission that there would come a day that we would be able to baptize 100 people in one month. As the month went by, we quickly realized that 70, while still a miracle, was becoming more and more doable. A lot of us started praying that we'd be able to get to a 100 with the faith that we knew we'd get 70.
The result? At the end of November 30th...the Massachusetts Boston Mission has had EXACTLY 100 individuals enter the waters of baptism in the month of November. We had a mission wide mass telephone call last night to have the number announced and said a prayer of gratitude all together praying for each of those individuals by name. EXACTLY ONE HUNDRED.
On a funny miracle note, this week we had our own little miracle...we got struck by a wicked awful snow storm - storm Cato. We text Sister Brown because we have dinner at their home that evening - she said her roads were plowed so we should be ok. We start driving but this hilly new england means cute little Corolla aint gonna make it up that slushy hill. We get stuck in the middle of the hill. I try reversing and going up again but at this point its too late, we'll never make it up. We turn around but long story short...we end up getting stuck in someone's driveway. We call brother Brown - good thing they live a minute away. The miracle? -- we got to be rescued by not only Brother Brown but his new Toyota Tundra!! God really does show us in small ways his love for us sometimes. :) I am convinced that purchasing a Toyota Tundra is the most selfless thing you can do in this life..think of the emergency preparedness factor! Cough - Brandon!  I got to give my last lesson at the Browns with hot chocolate and a sweet teaching and going home lesson given in return by Brother Brown. Thank you storm Cato.

I'll love my last week full of more miracles because we have an appt with all of my favorite investigators stacked right before I go! This new christmas inititive the church has of He is the Gift is awesome. One of my favorite last memories will be knocking on people's doors asking them right then and there if they want to watch the video on their doorstep. We're probably the only missionaries in the misison that get to do that....thanks to the handy dandy laptop. It's so fun and has put a new twist on things.
I feel so grateful that because of the MBM, I know a little bit more now of what Zion looks like. What it looks like to have successful relationships with those you meet and work with. What it looks like to joyously live the law of consecration. What it really looks like and feels like to bring people closer unto Christ. What it means to be baptized by the proper authority. What it sounds like and feels like to receive direction from the Spirit. To know what it looks and feels like to be literally in an unfolding miracle. I know what it feels like to have prophets and apostles pray for you. I know what it feels like to be worthy for the Lord.
I am more ok with things that don't have words now. How do you describe your mission? Great? Awesome? A learning experience? Fun? Sweet? Cool?
I think ill choose Sacred. Sacred things are things that are impossible to describe with words. Sacred things don't need words because thats not how they're understood. Sacred things are more than just things.
I'm so grateful to God for this sacred experience, something that I know is just preparatory for more sacred things to come. I'll think about these 18 months every single day for the rest of eternity. I hope I can work even harder when i'm the Lord's servant at home. I hope I know now how to run even faster. I look forward to going to god's "AP" style of living for his students.

Much Love for the last time,
Sister Bell
Kept it real....because it is real and will always be real. All of it.

1. When weekly planning gets desperate, and so do your cupboards - kraft mac and cheese. gasp.
2. Baking pies at the youngs last p day
3. Before the strike of winter and storm cato